Some Hunters enlist with noble lords and ladies, accompanying them on planned hunting excursions and keeping their storehouses filled with game.
贵族领主或贵妇人会雇佣一些猎手,陪他们按计划进行秋猎春猎,或者保护他们装满了野味的仓库。 |
Some IM (e.g., Thai) is context-sensitive.
还有些输入法(如泰文)是上下文敏感的。 |
Some ISPs and networks don't support multicasting yet.
一些因特网服务提供者及网络还不支持多播。 |
Some ISPs try to alleviate the problem by regularly chowning user's files &directories, however that not only can put a big stress on a server with many files, but create a undefined situation between the time new files are added and chown runs.
有些ISP提供商会为了减轻问题,而有规律的将用户的文件和文件夹用户属性修正统一,但是如果碰到大量的文件就比较麻烦,还有在修正程序运行和新建文件这段时间就会出现未知的情况了. |
Some Indian people indulge in wedding extravaganza.
有些印度人沈迷于婚礼的大肆铺张。 |
Some Indian states pay bereaved families compensation for the loss of a breadwinner who has killed himself; this seems to increase the suicide rate.
在印度一些邦,如果家中有负担家计的人自杀身亡,政府会给予这个家庭补偿,而如此一来自杀率似乎反而升高了。 |
Some Indians are friendly to us.
有些印第安人对我们很友好。 |
Some Indians still live in wigwams.
有些印地安人仍然住在帐篷里。 |
Some Internet literary works were criticized as skin-deep.
一些网上文学作品被 批评为肤浅. |
Some Jakarta residents are welcoming the cull, while others are compaining about the low compensation of just over one dollar a bird - about one third the market price.
雅加达一些居民欢迎这一举措,但是另外一些人则抱怨说,一只家禽补偿一美元,只有市价的三分之一,实在太少。 |
Some Japanese demonstrate against politicians who won't go to Yasukuni Shrine -- where Japan's war dead, including some who were judged war criminals, are honored -- while other Japanese demonstrate against politicians who do go.
对于惨拜靖国神社(战争死难者纪念,其中包括二战战犯),日本人有的要求政治家参拜,有的反对。 |