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DOLLY: I'm not what you think, Corinne. I'm not prudish at all.

DOLLY: But it was the most disgusting comedy I've ever seen. 朵莉:但这是我看过最恶心的喜剧。
DOLLY: Darren took me to it last week. I thought it was a little sick. 朵莉:戴伦上星期带我去看过了,我觉得有点恶心。
DOLLY: I don't think it's realistic. 朵莉:我不认为那是真实的。
DOLLY: I just think the humor was too gross. There were too many disgusting things in it. 朵莉:我觉得它的幽默太低级了,里面有太多恶心的镜头。
DOLLY: I'm not really conservative. 朵莉:我才不是食古不化呢!
DOLLY: I'm not what you think, Corinne. I'm not prudish at all. 朵莉:我不是你想的那种人,我一点也不过分拘谨。
DOLLY: It was entertaining in some ways. But in general I didn't like it. 朵莉:某方面来说是达到娱乐效果,但是大致上我不喜欢。
DOLLY: No, you're right. But nudity doesn't bother me. 朵莉:你是对的,确没有。但我并不讨厌裸露。
DOLLY: So maybe you can see now that I'm not conservative. 朵莉:所以或许你现在可以了解我并不保守。
DOLLY: That was a movie about sex too. 朵莉:那也是关于性的电影。
DON BRADLEY: And then back via Frankfurt. 堂.布拉德利:然后经由法兰克福回来。

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