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Mathematical Modeling and Verification Study on Photodynamic Therapy for Port Wine Stains

Materials and methods: Fifty patients with Schmorl nodes were observed using MR sagittal T WI and T WI. 材料与方法:MRI矢状位TWI和TWI发现0例许莫结节。
Mathematic Description of Straight Mortise Form 直榫榫眼形状的数学描述
Mathematical Analysis of Broach Vibration and Experimental Study 拉削振动的数学分析和实验研究(Ⅰ)
Mathematical Model and Simulation of Bath Rectification Collum on Citronella Oil 香茅油间歇精馏塔的数学模型及模拟
Mathematical Model of Saving Time From Beijing to Detroit Flying Over the North Polar Regions 北京飞越北极至底特律节约时间的数学模型
Mathematical Modeling and Verification Study on Photodynamic Therapy for Port Wine Stains 光动力疗法治疗鲜红斑痣的数学模型的建立及验证
Mathematics itself is a kind of method of training ma n to be clever. 数学本身是一种教人聪明的方法。
Mathods We reported 7 cases of urachal carcinoma which were confirmed by the results of pathology and operations in our hospital from 98 to 00. Results There were of the 7 cases invading the wall of bladder,which was about 8.7%. 方法 本组 7例患者 ,均有超声诊断 ,并被手术、病理证实。 结果  7例中侵犯膀胱或与膀胱壁关系密切 例 ,占 8 .7% ;
Matrix Valued Rational Approximation and Applications in Control Theory 矩阵有理逼近及其在控制论中应用
Mature shoots from adult trees of Zelkova schneideriana were sterilized and inoculated onto MS supplemented with various mass concentrations of BA、NAA and ,-D, in order to induce regeneration. 选用成年榉树Schneideriana的当年生嫩枝作为外植体,经常规消毒后,接种于附加不同质量浓度的激素BA、NAA、,-D的MS培养基上,诱导茎尖萌芽.
Maximum absorption wavelength was elected,as 0nm. The chromogrnic acidity of hydrochloric acid is 0. mol/L~. mol/L. Beer's law is obeyed in the range of 0 μg/mL~. μg/mL of rare earth concentration. 实验选择了最大吸收波长为0nm,显色酸度为0.mol/L~.mol/L盐酸,当稀土的浓度在0μg/mL~.μg/mL范围内符合比尔定律,考察了共存元素的干扰情况。

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