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Our company can provide DNV, LR, CCS and other ship's classification certificate at customers' request.

Our company can offer to you drivers who are very familiar with traffic of the roads of Lanzhou, peripheral provinces and Changjiang triangular area so they could help you to save more time for your business investigation. 凡在兰州和周边省区及长三角地区一带商务考察,我公司可为您提供非常熟悉这带道路交通状况的驾驶员,为您的考察节省更多的时间。
Our company can offer to you drivers who are very familiar with traffic of the roads of Nanjing, peripheral provinces and Changjiang triangular area so they could help you to save more time for your business investigation. 凡在南京和周边省区及长三角地区一带商务考察,我公司可为您提供非常熟悉这带道路交通状况的驾驶员,为您的考察节省更多的时间。
Our company can offer to you drivers who are very familiar with traffic of the roads of Shanghai, peripheral provinces and Changjiang triangular area so they could help you to save more time for your business investigation. 凡在上海和周边省区及长三角地区一带商务考察,我公司可为您提供非常熟悉这带道路交通状况的驾驶员,为您的考察节省更多的时间。
Our company can produce Inductive Component, power supply and cable system. Its HQ locates in Eggenburg of Austria. 我们公司是一家专业生产变压器,电源,电缆的工厂。总部位于奥地利的爱森伯格。
Our company can product fire – retardant and flame – retardant wire and cable according to user requirement. 可根据用户要求生产具有耐火、阻燃特性的防鼠电线电缆。
Our company can provide DNV, LR, CCS and other ship's classification certificate at customers' request. 可因客户要求提供DNV挪威、LR英国劳氏等船级社证书。
Our company can supply approximately 500 kinds of single Chinese herb extract (5 : 1)in store and the service of dry and wet granule, impress tablet and install capsule. 我公司有近500种单味(5:1)中药提取物粉末库存,可提供干法与湿法制粒、压片、灌装胶囊等服务。
Our company choose the superior material to produce craftwork, and send the raw material sample to the national geology examination centerto check the superiority and security of the original stone material, not the inferior stone appear on the market; Ea 我们公司生产的工艺品选料上盛,并送检原料样品“国家地质检测中心”检查原石料的优越性和安全性,非市面上出现的劣质石料;敬请各大消费者注意辨认优劣。
Our company co ists of three major organizatio : they are OD, R&am D and T&am A. 我们公司由组织开发部,研究开发部及技术援助部三大部门所组成。
Our company collects and develop , the factory produces, designs, manages in the integrative toy company. 佳鑫精品贸易有限公司是集开发,工厂生产、设计、经营于一体的玩具公司。
Our company collects the internal and external oil paintings, kinds of modern art paintings, masterpiece sculptures all the year round. 本公司长年向海内外征集油画,各种现代绘画,雕塑精品。

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