The President has to be sworn in publicly.
总统必须当众宣誓就职. |
The President has vowed to veto the measure and an override is rated as a slim prospect.
总统发誓要否决这一措施,而推翻否决被认为不太可能。 |
The President is Commander-in-Chief of the army, but Congress appropriates money for a standing army.
总统是军队的统帅,但军费是由国会拨出的。 |
The President is Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.
总统为国家元首,兼武装部队总司令。 |
The President is a Democrat.
总统是民主党员。 |
The President is at the center of a recent scandal over revelation about his financial interests.
总统因近来被揭露涉嫌金融权益问题而成为丑闻的主角。 |
The President is directly elected for a seven-year term and may be reelected for an indefinite number of terms.
总统经全民直接选举产生,任期七年,可连选连任。 |
The President is immune from prosecution for offences committed before, during or after his tenure.
总统任职之前、任职期间和离职以后所犯下的罪行可免于起诉。 |
The President is just a figurehead,it's the party leader who has the real power.
总统只不过是傀儡人物,真正掌实权的是党的领导人。 |
The President is responsible for the designation of ambassadors.
总统负责大使的指派。 |
The President made a call for national unity.
总统号召全国人民团结起来。 |