The Industrial Revolution began with such machines; the millwrights were the engineers of the coming age.
修造磨坊的匠人就是开创新时代的工程师。 |
The Industrial Revolution brought a period of change for golf.
工业革命为高尔夫运动带来了一段变革时期。 |
The Industrial Revolution did nothing at first to make urban life easier, but it did provide jobs—lots of them.
工业革命并未使城市居民生活更加安逸,但是却提供了大量的工作。 |
The Industrial Revolution is a long train of changes starting about 1760.
工业革命是指约1760年开始的一系列变革。 |
The Industrial Revolution originated in/from the invention of the steam engine.
工业革命始于蒸汽机的发明。 |
The Industrial Revolution was characterized by specialization of individuals in their work tasks.
工业革命的特点是个体劳动者劳动内容的细化。 |
The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) has overtaken Citigroup as the world's biggest bank by market value (although Citigroup's profits last year were more than three times bigger); it is in third place overall.
按照总市值算,中国工商银行已经超越花旗银行成为世家最大的银行(尽管花旗银行的利润三倍于工商银行),整体实力排名位列排行榜第三。 |
The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China is the nearest bank.
最近的银行是中国工商银行。 |
The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, topped the rating in the co-branded bracket for its card issued in association with China National Petroleum Corporation, China's largest oil company.
中国工商银行联合我国最大的石油公司中油国际发行的“工行牡丹中油国际信用卡”被评为最受持卡人喜爱的联名信用卡。 |
The Industry and economy of Zouping are developing rapidly. So far, Zouping has 110 large-scale enterprises.
邹平县工业经济发展迅速,较大规模工业企业110家。 |
The Inertial Armor feat, the ectoplasmic armor power, bracers of armor, shields, and suits of armor all provide armor bonuses, so their effects do not stack.
“惰性护甲”专长、“星质护甲”异能、防御护腕、盾牌、盔甲都提供盔甲加值,所以它们的效果不累计。 |