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She tells him, “I came here to work. I don't want to hear about seeing your truth heart stuff. Please hide your private feelings.

She telephoned rather than wrote. 她打了电话,而没有写信。
She tell me I'm a pretty bullet! 她告诉我我是颗漂亮的子弹!
She tells Ally that she's happy for all the couples (uh-huh), but she's also angry! 她告诉爱莉听她替所有有情人高兴,但她也会妒忌的!
She tells Bilingual Time about her decision to give her son a Chinese education and the difference between Chinese and British schools. 她向《双语时代》讲起了她让其子接受中国教育的决定以及中英学校间的差异。
She tells Sheila and David about some of the training schemes run by the company and mentions that she is now considering taking a further course of study. 她把公司搞的一些培训计划告诉希拉和大卫,还说她正在考虑再进修一门课程。
She tells him, “I came here to work. I don't want to hear about seeing your truth heart stuff. Please hide your private feelings. 恩在:我是来这里工作的,因此我不想听你提到什么观察真心之类的话.
She tells him, “it really is a mess.”” She weakly responds, “so, then? What should we do, then? 恩在:是一团糟啊!她很疲倦地回答,那么,我们接下来该怎么做才好呢?
She tells him, “that place may go under in a little while. 恩在:也许不久又会降我的职呢!
She tells lies without scruple . 她撒谎肆无忌惮.
She tells us from New Delhi that some of the most successful programs are in parts of central and eastern India. 身处新德里的她告诉我们:最成功的一些案例发生在印度的东部和中部。
She tells us her past in the form of stories. 她以故事的形式把她的过去讲给我们听。

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