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Estonia's warmest winter for two centuries has woken some of its 600 bears several months early from hibernation, wildlife experts said on Friday.

Estimators put the number of participant in more than 8900 well off the record if authenticated . 北达科他州打算在星期六让人们回忆起雪天使记录。???
Estimators put the number of participants in more than 89 hundred well off the record if authenticated. 评价者估计如果鉴别的话,参加者超过8900人,超过报导的数量。
Estoiles - Emblems of God's goodness or of some eminence in the first bearer above the ruder sort of men. 上帝的仁爱象征,或是以其高贵出生而那些受粗野下民绝对供奉的人。
Estonia comes bottom, by having the second highest fear of crime in Europe and a heavy carbon footprint. 爱沙尼亚因人们对犯罪的恐惧程度名列欧洲第二以及很高的碳排放量排在最后。
Estonia is also subsidising IVF and hopes to increase the number of IVF babies to about 1 in 30. 爱沙尼亚也在补助试管受精,并且希望把试管婴儿的数量提高1比30。
Estonia's warmest winter for two centuries has woken some of its 600 bears several months early from hibernation, wildlife experts said on Friday. 上周五(1月14日),野生动物专家们声称由于出现200年来最温暖的冬季,爱沙尼亚现有的600只熊中有些提前从冬眠中醒来。
Estonia, in contrast, spent only 0.11 per cent of GDP on subsidies less than a third than the old EU average. 相反,爱沙尼亚在补贴上的支出仅占GDP的0.11%,不到欧盟原先平均水平的三分之一。
Estonian-born American architect whose bold, monumental designs include the Yale University Art Gallery(1954). 卡恩,路易斯·伊莎多尔1901-1974爱沙尼亚裔美国建筑师,他的富于想象力的、不朽的设计,包括耶鲁大学的艺术馆(1954年)
Estrada who faces corruption charges and is being held under house arrest. 埃斯特拉达因涉嫌腐败而被软禁在自己家中。
Estragon,in a brilliant police uniform,with a parcel.meet Vladimir. 爱斯特拉冈,身着一身神气的警服,手掂一小包裹。碰到了弗拉季米尔。
Estragon:Hey,who's that guy?long time no see,my old fellow! 嗨,看那是谁?好久不见了,我的老朋友!

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