If stray inductance and capacitance (which may or may not be stray) in a circuit should form a tuned circuit then that tuned circuit may be excited by signals in the circuit and ring at its resonant frequency. |
中文意思: 如果电路中的电感和电容(含分布电感、分布电容)形成了谐振电路,那么在电路中信号的激励下,这个谐振电路就会在其固有谐振频率处产生“振铃”现象。 |
If spurned, the male must take the nest apart and completely rebuild it in order to win the affections of the female.
如果雄鸟被拒绝,它必须将巢拆掉重新造一个,以赢得雌鸟的爱情。 |
If stability and universality are threatened, because an existing name-bearing type is either taxonomically inadequate or not in accord with the prevailing usage of a name, the Commission may use its plenary power to set aside that type and designate a ne
如果现存的一个具名模式有分类学上的不足,或与一名称的盛行用法不符,而致本规约的稳定性和普遍性受到威胁,委员会得使用其全权,拒斥该模式而另指定一个新模式。 |
If still in clouds at 80m, pull up.
80米如仍在云中,复飞。 |
If still unpaid after twenty days, the right exists for the group to move the protest to the next higher government level, until the problem gets resolved.
20天后还不能支付时,有权集体到上一级政府门口静坐示威,直到解决问题为止。 |
If stock returns are predictable,expected returns of stock are time-varying.
如果股票的回报率是可预测的,那么股票的预期回报率是时变的。 |
If stray inductance and capacitance (which may or may not be stray) in a circuit should form a tuned circuit then that tuned circuit may be excited by signals in the circuit and ring at its resonant frequency.
如果电路中的电感和电容(含分布电感、分布电容)形成了谐振电路,那么在电路中信号的激励下,这个谐振电路就会在其固有谐振频率处产生“振铃”现象。 |
If striking sideways, the back of the hand must be uppermost.
如果横向打击,手背必须向上。 |
If students were caught using Gaelic to speak with each other, they would be made fun of, insulted and punished — a condition which persisted into the early 20th century.
英国于1831年在爱尔兰设立所谓的「国民学校」,使用英文教学;学校不教爱尔兰语,学生如果用爱尔兰语交谈,会被老师嘲笑、羞辱、处罚,一直延续到二十世纪初期为止。 |
If subsequent generations maintain these extra genes, natural selection may preserve useful mutations that arise in them.
如果后代持续保有这些重复的基因,天择就有可能将其中有用的突变保留下来。 |
If successful, it is expected to move to human trials.
如果成功的话,会有希望用于对人类的实验。 |
If successful, the Honorable Execution infuses the Samurai with strength, healing them and boosting their swing speed for a short duration.
如果成功了,光荣处决将增加武士的力量,治疗他们并在短期内加快他们挥舞武器的速度。 |