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The getElementsByTagNameNS() method returns a NodeList of all elements with a specified name and namespace.

The get-together was full of singing.The second part was I want to sing.Above all,the total member sung togetherthe song for Bachelordom's Day.Then,all of the present sung the single songtogether.We threw candy immediately which made the atmosphere was hi 晚会自然少不了歌声,第二环节“我要唱”,先是策划组全体成员集体合唱光光节主题曲《光棍之歌》,然后是全场大合唱的《单身情歌》,工作人员同时在现场抛撒糖果,大家兴致更加高涨。
The getAttribute() method gets an attribute value by name. 方法获取指定名称所对应的属性值。
The getAttributeNS() method gets an attribute node by namespace URI and name. 方法通过指定的命名空间URI和名称获取属性节点。
The getAttributeNS() method gets an attribute value by namespace URI and name. 方法的作用是:通过命名空间URI和名称获取属性值。
The getAttributeNode() method gets an attribute node by name from the current element. 方法的作用是:通过指定的名称获取当前元素中的属性节点。
The getElementsByTagNameNS() method returns a NodeList of all elements with a specified name and namespace. 方法的作用是:通过指定的名称和命名空间返回所有元素的节点列表。
The getElementsByTagname() method returns a nodelist that contains all elements with the specified tag name in the same order as they appear in the source document. 方法将返回一份包含所有指定标签名称元素的节点列表,所有元素的排列顺序与它们在源文件中的排列顺序一样。
The getMap/DBMeta project provides a library to access database metadata information in a convinient OO way. Also available is some code to automaticaly generate EJBs from database metadata. 该项目提供一个以OO方式访问数据库元数据信息的软件库。此外还提供可从数据库元数据自动生成EJB的代码。
The getNamedItem() method can be used to retrieve a specified node. 方法的作用是获取指定节点。
The getrandmax() function returns the maximum random number that can be returned by a call to the rand() function. 函数的作用是:显示所有随机数中出现的最大可能值。
The gettimeofday() function returns an array that contains current time information. 函数的作用是:以一个数组的形式返回当前时间。

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