She thinks I was born yesterday.
她认为我会轻易上当。 |
She thinks I'm going out with Jeremy but she's completely on the wrong tack.
她认为我准备同杰里米外出,但是她的想法完全错了。 |
She thinks Tom is myopic and should see a good optician.
她认为汤姆是近视眼的,应该去找个好眼镜商看看。 |
She thinks cranberry juice did the trick.
她认为这一切都要归功于小红莓汁的魔力。 |
She thinks hairy chests are a turn-on!
她觉得胸部有毛很让人兴奋! |
She thinks handsome men are usually stuck-up.
她认为英俊的男士经常都高傲。 |
She thinks highly of your work.
她对你的工作给予高度评价。 |
She thinks it should be Andre to ask her out first, after all.
她认为不管怎样安德烈应该主动邀她出去。 |
She thinks nothing of walking ten miles.
她把步行十英里不当一回事。 |
She thinks nothing of walking30 miles a day.
她没把每天走30里路当回事。 |
She thinks of others very much.
她很关心别人. |