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Thou didst not turn in contempt from my childish play among dust, and the steps that I heard in my playroom are the same that are echoing from star to star.

Thou crossest desert lands of barren years to reach the moment of fulfillment. 您越过不毛之年的沙漠而到达了圆满的时刻。
Thou crossest desert lands of barren years to reach the moment of fulfilment. 您越过不毛之年的沙漠而到达了圆满的时刻。
Thou daughter that dost inhabit Dibon, come down from thy glory, and sit in thirst; for the spoiler of Moab shall come upon thee, and he shall destroy thy strong holds. 耶48:18住在底本的民哪、〔民原文作女子〕要从你荣耀的位上下来、坐受乾渴.因毁灭摩押的上来攻击你.毁坏了你的保障。
Thou detestable maw, thou womb of death, gorged with the dearest morsel of the earth, thus I enforce thy rotten jaws to open, and, in despite, I'll cram thee with more food! 你无情的泥土,吞噬了世上最可爱的人儿,我要擘开你的馋吻,(将墓门掘开)索性让你再吃一个饱!
Thou didst cleave the fountain and the flood: thou driedst up mighty rivers. 15你曾分裂磐石,水便成了溪河,你使长流的江河干了。
Thou didst not turn in contempt from my childish play among dust, and the steps that I heard in my playroom are the same that are echoing from star to star. 你不曾鄙夷地避开我童年时代在尘土中的游戏,我在游戏室里所听见的足音,和在群星中的回响是相同的。
Thou didst strike through with his staves the head of his villages: they came out as a whirlwind to scatter me: their rejoicing was as to devour the poor secretly. 14你用敌人的戈矛刺透他战士的头。他们来如旋风,要将我们分散。他们所喜爱的,是暗中吞吃贫民。
Thou drewest near in the day that I called upon thee: thou saidst, Fear not. 57我求告你的日子,你临近我,说,不要惧怕。
Thou ever pourest for me the fresh draught of thy wine of various colours and fragrance, filling this earthen vessel to the brim. 你不断地在我的瓦罐里满满地斟上不同颜色不同芬芳的新酒。
Thou givest thy mouth to evil, and thy tongue frameth deceit. 19你口任说恶言,你舌编造诡诈。
Thou givest thyself to me in love and then feelest thine own entire sweetness in me. 你把自己在梦中交给了我,又通过我来感觉你自己的完满的甜柔。

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