IV. Strengthening coordination and administration, adopting strict measures for examination and approval, avoiding holding of repetitious exhibitions and standardizing acts of exhibition.
四、加强协调管理,严格审批办法,避免重复办展,规范展览行为。 |
IV. The culture and tourism resource of Baodai Bridge is not well exploited.
问题四:对宝带桥文化、旅游资源没有合理有效开发. |
IV. What is sensual desire?
四、什么是欲望? |
IV. Write down the small letters of the following capital ones in alphabetical order .
按字母表顺序将下列字母的小写形式写在横线上。 |
IVY: I understand. I don't want to write bad checks.
艾菲:我了解。我不希望开有问题的支票。 |
IVY: I would like to open an account here.
艾菲:我想在这里开户。 |
IVY: Is fifty dollars okay?
艾菲:五十元可以吗? |
IVY: Yes, I know I need to have a basic savings account.
艾菲:对,我知道我需要一个基本储蓄存款帐户。 |
IVY: Yes. Can I have a cash card too?
艾菲:是的。我还能要一张现金提款卡吗? |
IWAAS sponsored the Forum on China's Relations with Asian-African Countries in commemoration of the 50th Anniversaries of the Asian-African Conference on Apr.20, 2005.
2005年4月20日,我所主办“纪念万隆会议召开50周年暨中国与亚非国家关系回顾及前瞻研讨会”。 |
IWD celebrates the collective power of women past, present and future.
国际妇女节庆祝的是女人们过去、现在以及未来的共同力量。 |