Those two periods display the processes, in which German-British relations evolved themselves from mutual noninterference, alignment, competition, antagonism, appeasing and being appeased by 1945 to British economic assistance, political solicitude, and m
这两个时期体现了德英关系由1945年以前的互不干涉、联合、竞争、对抗、绥靖与被绥靖到1945-1949年间英国对德的经济扶植、政治拉拢与军事排斤,再到《巴黎协定》生效前英国支持西德入盟西方的演变过程。 |
Those two weak boys are distant relations.
那两个瘦弱的男孩是远房亲戚。 |
Those two words in the title might have made you cringe. After all, civil, polite people do not say that.
标题中的这两个字可能会吓你一跳。毕竟,文明礼貌的人是不讲这种词的。 |
Those two years saw 58 firms and 54 people barred from getting bank money.
58家公司和54名个人在这两年里被禁止参与世行资助项目。 |
Those unaware of what is happening in philosophy today may be surprised to learn that few academic philosophers address the sort of problems once studied in college: death, the existence of God, the cardinal virtues, the external world, or the prospects f
不知道哲学家现状的人也许会惊奇地发现:现在大学的哲学家中很少有人去研究过去在大学曾经探讨过的问题——死亡、上帝的存在、基本道德、客观世界或对幸福的期望。 |
Those ungrateful drones who would drain your sweat—nay,drink your blood?
那些忘恩负义的寄生虫,他们要榨干你们的汗水——不,不仅如此,还要吸干你们的血液! |
Those units engaged in maintenance and check and test of fire control facilities and devices, carry out maintenance and check and test in violation of rules on fire control technology, shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit and can be im
维修、检测消防设施、器材的单位,违反消防安全技术规定,进行维修、检测的,责令限期改正,可以并处罚款,并对其直接负责的主管人员和其他责任人员处警告或者罚款。 |
Those units with the conduct of this article, shall be ordered to stop illegal activities, and can be given disciplinary warning or penalty, and the person in charge with direct responsibility or other personnel with direct responsibility shall be punishe
单位有前款行为的,责令停止违法行为,可以处警告或者罚款,并对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依照前款的规定处罚。 |
Those variables for which it holds (e.g., momentum and position, or energy and time) are canonically conjugate variables in classical physics.
那些具有的变量(如动量与位置,或能量与时间)是经典力学里的正则共轭变量。 |
Those vehicles put out a lot more carbon monoxide than ordinary cars.
那些车辆排放一氧化碳,远比普通汽车多很多。 |
Those violating the relevant regulations such as practicing fraud will be sternly punished, and the person concerned and relevant leaders will be blamed.
对弄虚作假等违反考试有关规定者,按规定严肃处理,并追究当事人和有关领导的责任。 |