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Catching a cold is a common disease.

Catch your visitor's eye with lists, bullet points and use short, snappy, active (not passive) words in your sentences. 重点符号的使用,列表的使用,句中的词语简短,直观,具有主动语态,这些都可以吸引访问者。
Catched it on my way home, and I was catched by the triangle mark. 回家的路上拍的,吸引我的是那三角形标志。
Catcher Block: Argentina isn't the only hiding place for Nazis. They're hiding them in Florida too. 阿根廷不是唯一一个藏匿纳粹分子的地方。他们还把他们藏在弗罗里达。
Catcher Block: I took the Bossa Nova triplets to Cocoa Beach. NASA was throwing a luau. 我带了那巴萨诺瓦三姐妹去了咳咳海滩,航天航空局在那儿开夏威夷宴会。
Catcher Jorge Posada opined that Rasner may have made just one bad pitch, a fourth-inning offering to Kenji Johjima that the Seattle catcher deposited into the left-field seats for a two-run homer. 捕手波沙达对雷斯纳的表现直呼可惜,说他唯一投坏一球,结果就让城岛击出飞向左外野看台的两分全垒打。
Catching a cold is a common disease. 感冒是普遍的疾病。
Catching a cold is an ordinary disease. 感冒是普遍的疾病。
Catching the drift of the content instead of understanding every word and never waste too much time on single words. 作听力练习要重材料大意,而不要力求听懂每个词,不要在单个词上浪费太多时间.
Catching the meaning of words literally from the context in Freanch-Chinese translation leads to the major reasons of misunderstanding and mustranslation, and this is ofter caused by failure to understand the polysemy of words, the collocation meaning of 摘要望文生义所致误解误译,主要有如下几种情形:不了解词汇的多义性和搭配意义;不懂约定俗成的术语行话;不明白转义、引申义、歴史或宗教意义;不清楚词语在上下文中的具体语用意义。
Catchpole in Devon, they are part of the family. 有一次,她甚至毁掉了一袋子他们放在一次准备出售的发明。
Cate Blanchett's take on 1966-era Dylan is already being heralded as career-defining for this extremely well-respected actress. 凯特·布莱切特饰演60年代的迪伦,她的这一举措早已被媒体宣传为这位备受敬重的女演员的事业突破之作。

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