What will happen as a result of the report?
写这份报告会产生什么结果? |
What will happen if I eat spaghetti every day?
如果我每天吃意大利面条会有什么问题? |
What will happen if there is a repeated sequence of characters that are within the characters used in the search pattern is that the value in the table for the GOOD SUFFIX shift will produce a shift that goes past the correct match.
如果有一串重复的字符是字符串中的字符,那么,“完美后缀”移动表格中的值将产生跳过正确匹配的移动。 |
What will happen in 2007 of me ?
我的2007年会是什么样的呢? |
What will happen in a hundred years?
那么,在一百年后将会怎么样呢? |
What will happen next is unclear.
朝鲜的下一步举动将是核武器。 |
What will happen to her?
她以后会怎么样呢? |
What will happen to the Secret Base?
两帮相遇,究竟会令秘密基地变成怎样? |
What will happen when Medicare and Social Security run out of money?
当免费医疗保险和社会保障基金的钱都花光了,会是怎么样的景况? |
What will happen when a gravitational wave was found by my computer?
如果一个引力波被我的电脑找到了(计算出来了),会怎么样? |
What will happen when a people put his blue shirt into the yellow river?
回复:一个人把他的蓝色衣服放到黄河里会怎么样? |