Scholars should bear in mind that part of Sanyan and Erpai originates from the script for story-telling in Song folk literature and thus is a mixture reflecting the social life and custom of Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasty.
《三言》、《二拍》中若干取材于宋人话本者,往往成爲宋元明三代社会生活和名物制度的杂烩,这是使用此类史料时必须注意的。 |
Scholars think that yoga grew out of the methods used by shamans of the Indus Valley, more than 5,000 years ago.
学者认为瑜伽发源自五千多年前印度河谷里巫师们所采用的方法。 |
Scholars, for the sake of study, may well define the meaning of important vocabulary and interpret them by means of multifold field research methods.
学者为了研究的需要,可以自行界定关键词汇的意义,并采用多重的田野方式加以阐述。 |
Scholars, generally, believe that Montesquieu's theory of power separation is the continuation and development of Locke's decentralization thought, but they give a few, even few, mentioning to their difference.
论者一般认为孟德斯鸠的三权分立理论是叶洛克分权思想的继承和发扬,但是对二者的差异却很少提及或一笔代过。 |
Scholarship program: SSG and Education bureaus and schools as project partners to provide scholarship for poor but best students in Yushu prefecture.
奖学金节目:江源发展促进会和教育局和学校作为项目成为伙伴为贫寒但最佳的学生提供奖学金在玉树专区。 |
Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and the written Statement of Purpose.
奖学金的评估将基于高考成绩及目的声明的评估。 |
Scholastic Inc. is chronicling the tales of young Boba Fett fighting to survive in the midst of the wars.
学者出版社将幼时的波巴菲特(赏金猎人)在战争中的挣扎求生写入星战编年史。 |
Scholastic seal calligraphers can not be neglected to inspect Qing Dynasty seal calligraphers.
摘要检阅清代篆书家,不能忽视学者篆书(家)的存在。 |
Scholastic's commitment to distribute in the US every new fiction title Mr Cunningham publishes gives The Chicken House the force of a worldwide publisher without constraining Mr Cunningham to the sometimes risk-averse culture of big corporations.
学究出版社承诺,将在美国分销坎宁安先生出版的每—本新小讲,这使得小鸡书屋拥有世界级出版商的影响力,而坎宁安先生又不必受制于大出版社规避风险的文化。 |
Scholes brought down the curtain on his England career in August 2004 in order to concentrate on his club commitments with Manchester United and to spend more time with his family.
为了实现对俱乐部的承诺将精力放在俱乐部和家庭上,斯科尔斯的国家队生涯在2004年8月拉下了帷幕。 |
Scholes was the next to escape a booking for a standard Scholes foul on Wright-Phillips.
斯科尔斯是第二个逃过黄牌的球员,他对赖特。菲利普斯的犯规应该吃牌。 |