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Why do you dream about flying. Though you have no wings?

Why do you collect stamps? 你为何集邮?
Why do you come here for a job? 你为何到此处来找工作?
Why do you cry out over your wound, your pain that has no cure? Because of your great guilt and many sins I have done these things to you. 15你为何因损伤哀号呢?你的痛苦无法医治。我因你的罪孽甚大,罪恶众多,曾将这些加在你身上。
Why do you discourage the Israelites from going over into the land the LORD has given them? 7你们为何使以色列人灰心丧胆,不过去进入耶和华所赐给他们的那地呢?
Why do you dislike rock music so much? 你为什么这么讨厌摇滚乐呢?
Why do you dream about flying. Though you have no wings? 为什么明明没有翅膀却梦想在天空飞翔?
Why do you eat sticky rice wrapped up oin bamboo leaves on Dragon Boat Day? 为什么你们在端午节吃用竹叶包的糯米饭呢?
Why do you eat sticky rice wrapped up on bamboo leaves on Dragon Boat Day? 为什么你们在端午节吃用竹叶包的糯米饭呢?
Why do you ever come back, then, at all?’ he demanded of the swallows jealously. ‘What do you find to attract you in this poor drab little country? “那你们为什么还要回来?”他猜疑地问燕子。“这片可怜的灰暗的小天地,还有什么可吸引你们的地方?”
Why do you focus on men? What about Eve? 为什么你把重点放在男人?那么夏娃呢?
Why do you give so much importance to Rotary? 为什麽你认为扶轮是如此重要?

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