The heros in the book are all frictional.
书中所有的人物都是虚构的. |
The herrings usually live in large shoals.
青鱼通常生活在大的浅水区。 |
The hetero ene reaction is an important part of ene reaction.
杂原子烯反应是该反应的重要组成部分。 |
The heterogeneity has significant effect on the failure process and seepage characteristics of rock.
摘要岩石的非均匀性对于其破裂及渗流过程具有显著的影响。 |
The heterogeneity of scale-free network topology is studied using network structure entropy (NSE).
摘要利用网络结构熵定量分析了无标度网络拓扑结构的非均匀性。 |
The heterogeneous catalysts and lipase catalysts can be easily separated from the product, so they have been widely investigated recent years.
非均相催化法、脂肪酶法可以较好地解决催化剂与产品的分离问题,是目前的研究热点。 |
The heterogenite is partly treated in furnaces either in DR Congo or in neighbouring Zambia and then exported mostly to China via South African and Tanzanian ports.
水钴矿在刚果金或者邻国赞比亚入炉进行粗加工然后大部分经南非和坦桑尼亚的港口出口到中国。 |
The heuristic and teaching students in accordance of their aptitude should be strongly recommended, and especially due importance should be attached to the latter.
启发式教学和因材施教应该得到大力提倡,特别是关于教育者的因材施教,更应该受到应有的重视。 |
The hexagram reflected the tradition of respecting agriculture in the Zhou Dynasty and strategies of prospering the state by agriculture.
《颐》卦反映了周人以农德自重的传统和以农兴国的治国方略。 |
The hexdec() function converts a hexadecimal number to a decimal number.
函数的作用是:将一个十六进制数转换为十进制。 |
The hi-tech bubble burst in 2000 was attributed to the high burn rate incurred by IT upstarts.
2000年所出现的高科技泡沫爆破是因为某些资讯科技新贵在公司成立时投资损耗过高。 |