Multiphasic helical CT imaging revealed multifocal hypovascular nodules predominantly at the periphery of both hepatic lobes with concentric filling of contrast medium and delayed enhancement.
多相螺旋式计算机断层扫瞄发觉有多颗低血管性小结节主要分布于左右两叶肝脏的周边,并呈现出向心的显影剂填充及延迟显影。 |
Multiplayer has gained more depth due to the new tactical options.
网络玩家从新的战术选项得到了更有深度的权力。 |
Multiple adenomatous polyps of the cecum are seen here in a case of familial polyposis.
图示:家族性肠息肉病的一个病例—盲肠部位的多发性腺瘤性息肉。 |
Multiple approaches to evaluation of groundwater resources are used in order to obtain satisfactory results.
地下水资源评价需要采用多种方法,相互校核,以提高其成果的信度。 |
Multiple attacks kill 15 US troops in Iraq.
15名美军死于多起袭击。 |
Multiple biopsies were taken and the results showed chronic inflammation.
病理切片报告仅显示为慢性发炎。 |
Multiple births are the main cause of infant death in the first month, an Australian study found in 2001.
澳大利亚的一项研究发现,多胞胎是婴儿第一个月夭折的主要原因。 |
Multiple bounding volumes around a tree must all be spheres.
树木周围的多重绑定卷都必须为球体. |
Multiple carrying options, including a removable waist belt and shoulder strap attachments, make this pack a versatile choice for urban adventures, day hikes, or travel.
这款轻量、可压缩的防水袋,采上方全开的滚卷式配合塑胶快扣扣合的密合方式,车缝边也都加贴防水胶条,可保持袋内的装备完全乾燥。 |
Multiple depositions of patterns to different filter types, including dichroic, can be aligned with remarkable micron-scale precision and repeatability.
多层不同滤光器类型的图案沉积,包括二色性的技术,可以提供卓越的精确度和可重复性。 |
Multiple elimination is one of the important topics in the field of seismic data processing.
摘要海底复反射之消除一直是震测处理过程中令人困扰的问题。 |