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A transcript of the interview will appear on www.chelseafc.com at 5.15pm. The TV interview will be repeated in Chelsea TV's Big Match Countdown at 6.30pm on Friday.

A tranquil heart is life to the body, But passion is rottenness to the bones. 箴14:30心中安静、是肉体的生命.嫉妒是骨中的朽烂。
A tranquilizer that leaves the body rapidly is much more likely to cause dependence than one that leaves the body slowly, precisely because the user is more aware that the drug's effects are wearing off. 药效迅速消退的镇静剂比药效缓慢消退的镇静剂,更容易使人上瘾,原因是,当药效迅速消退时,服药者会更清楚感觉到药效正在消退。
A transaction between two parties ought not to operate to the disadvantage of a third. 合同双方当事人之间的约定不得对第三方不利。
A transaction between two parties shouldn't operate to the disadvantage of a third party not in their debt. 两方当事人之间的交易不得对利益无涉的第三方不利。
A transcoder for transcoding digital video signals includes a decoder and an encoder. 一种转换编码器,用以转换编码数位视讯,并包含一个解码器及一个编码器。
A transcript of the interview will appear on www.chelseafc.com at 5.15pm. The TV interview will be repeated in Chelsea TV's Big Match Countdown at 6.30pm on Friday. 切赫在与雷丁队的比赛之后首次接受媒体采访。这个节目会在星期五下午5点在切尔西电视台准时播出。
A transducer designed for a given range of input voltages that produces a larger range of output voltages. 扩展器在某一给定范围的输入电压内产生较大输出电压的转换器
A transformer substation management method based on object oriented technique is introduced for overcoming the shortage of the management. 摘要针对变电管理工作的不足,提出了一种基于面向对象技术来实现变电管理的有效方法。
A transfusion was imperative, and a donor with a matching blood type was required. 必须立即为她输血,而且要求找到一个血型同她相匹配的献血者。
A transgression of law; a crime. 违法违反法律;一种犯罪
A transient phenomenon or property, especially a transient electric current. 瞬变现象一种瞬间变化的现象或性质,尤指瞬变的电流

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