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He looked out of the window.

He looked lively and powerful, yet virtuous. 看起来体力充盈,很有威仪但很面善。
He looked me dead in the eye. 他直盯著我的眼睛看。
He looked me up and down. 他上下打量我。
He looked nervous as he arrived at court with his wife Rachelle Short on the first day of the trial.Actress Lana Clarkson was found shot dead at his California mansion. 斯别克特留着一头剪短的金发在妻子雷切尔的陪同下出席法庭的审讯活动,照片上斯别克特面色惊恐,女演员克拉克森被发现死在了斯别克特位于加利福尼亚的住宅里。
He looked on people, and he neither liked nor disliked them. 他看待人们,既不喜欢也不厌恶。
He looked out of the window. 他向窗外看去。
He looked out through the window and observed a girl walking long the boat deck. 他从窗户望出去,看到一个女孩沿着船甲板散步。
He looked pale because a moment ago, a car missed him by a fraction of an inch. 他看起脸色苍白,因为刚才一辆小汽车几乎与他擦身而过。
He looked pleased witn himself. 他看来对自己感到满足。
He looked quite untidy; besides, one of the buttons on his coat was missing. 他看起来相当狼狈,而且外套上有个扣子也不见了。
He looked rather out of place when he turned up in full ceremonial rig. 当他穿着全套大礼服露面的时候,显得和整个场合很不协调。

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