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From the multiple phase such as economic, protective, recreational, healthy and aesthetic point of view, public and private forests is of great importance, although the area covered by public and private forests is only 12.55% over the whole forestlands i

From the most fashionable cafes of Paris to the breakfast stands lining the streets of Taipei, coffee has firmly established itself as one of the world's favorite beverages. 从巴黎最流行的咖啡厅到台北街头林立的早餐店,咖啡已跻身世界最受欢迎的饮料行列。
From the most fashoinable cafes of Paris to the breakfast stands lineing the street, coffee has firmly established itself as one of the world\'s favorite beverages. 从最时尚的巴黎咖啡馆到街头林立的小吃店,咖啡无疑是世上最爱欢迎的饮料之一。
From the mountain heights we could see a panorama of the city. 从山的高处看,我们能看到该市的全景。
From the mouth of infants and nursing babes You have established strength Because of Your adversaries, To make the enemy and the revengeful cease. 诗8:2你因敌人的缘故、从婴孩和吃奶的口中、建立了能力、使仇敌和报仇的、闭口无言。
From the multi-disciplinary synthesis, such as ecology, river morphology, economics, river mechanics, etc. , it constructs sixteen specific indices which reflect river structure and function at different layers and classes, indicates the meaning and the d 该评价体系既考虑了人类社会需求的满足程度,又考虑了维持河流自身生命的需要,从生态学、河流地貌学、经济学、河流动力学等多学科综合角度,构建了分层次分类别反映河流结构和河流功能的16个具体指标,并明确相应指标的意义及确定方法,最后选择分层次二元对比专家分析法确定指标权重。
From the multiple phase such as economic, protective, recreational, healthy and aesthetic point of view, public and private forests is of great importance, although the area covered by public and private forests is only 12.55% over the whole forestlands i 摘要本省公私有林之面积虽仅占全省林地总面积之12.55%,然从经济、保安、娱乐、保健等多层面观点而言,公私有林都甚为重要。
From the mysterious black forest. 来自神秘的黑森林。
From the natural difference between Newton's absolute viewpoint of space-time and that of Special Relativity, we can conclude a common way to solute the question about space-time of Special relativity. 摘要从牛顿绝对时空观和狭义相对论时空观的本质区别出发,归纳出解决狭义相对论中时空问题的一般方法。
From the never-changing zeal for tradition and nature by Liangzi, the simplicity by Shi Jie, to the modernity by Wu Xuekai/Wu Xuewei, a message is conveyed that the designers and brands tend to utilized the platform of China Fashion Week to present their 无论是梁子一如既往的传统与自然结合,施杰的简约,还是武学凯/武学伟的现代时尚,都在传递这样一个信息:设计师和品牌越来越利用这一平台展示他们的市场化努力,而不仅是为了做秀而做秀。
From the new point of view, looking for tumor-specific proteins with proteomics research strategy may help to elucidate the correlation of the change of protein expression to oncogenesis, and may play a vital role in the early detection of cancer and anti 肿瘤蛋白质组学从新的角度研究肿瘤,寻找肿瘤标志蛋白,进而阐明其表达水平的变化与肿瘤发生、发展的相互关系,对肿瘤的早期诊断、治疗、药物研发等方面具有重要意义。
From the new vantage-point, the greater good of the whole out-weights one's individual and personal needs. 从崭新视角来看,整体的更大益处,大于个人的需求。

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