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Party A shall bear the interest on the usance L/c and the down payment of Party B. The annual interest rate is agreed upon at 7.5%.

Party A prohibits any behavior by its employees that violate ethical business conduct and, prohibits any of its employees from requesting or accepting commissions, kickbacks, giftmoney, giftcoupons, marketable securities, disbursement voucher, costly pres 甲方严禁本公司员工有任何违反职业道德的不廉洁商业行为,禁止本公司员工索要或接受乙方及其相关单位和人员提供给个人的佣金、回扣、礼金、有价证券、支付凭证、贵重物品等;不得参加乙方及其相关单位安排的可能影响公正执行公务的宴请及健身、娱乐、旅游等活动。
Party A shall afford all the related expenses arising from Party B's illness, injuries not related to his/her employment, occupational disease and bearing in accordance with the proportion stipulated by the State. 甲方按国家规定比例,承担乙方因生病、非因公负伤、工伤、职业病及生育发生的有关费用。
Party A shall be responsible for the completeness, correctness and legibility of the product design drawings and manufacturing Technical Documentation sent to Party B. 甲方对提供给乙方的产品设计图纸和制造技术材料的完整性、正确性、清晰性负责。
Party A shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity in connection with the commodity in question in China within the validity of this agreement, and shall submit to Party A all audio and video materials intended for advertising for prior approva 乙方负担本协议有效期内在中国销售代理商品做广告宣传的一切费用,并向甲方提交所用于广告的声像资料,供甲方事先核准。
Party A shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity in connection with the commodity in question in Singapore within the validity of this agreement, and shall submit to Party A all audio and video materials intended for advertising for prior app 乙方负担本协议有效期内在新加坡销售代理商品做广告宣传的一切费用,并向甲方提交所用于广告的声像资料,供甲方事先核准。
Party A shall bear the interest on the usance L/c and the down payment of Party B. The annual interest rate is agreed upon at 7.5%. 甲方负担远期信用证及乙方预付款的利息。年利息率双方同意按7.5%计。
Party A shall conduct direction, supervision, and valuation of party B's work. 对受聘方的工作进行指导,检查和评估。
Party A shall conduct relevant procedures to pay accumulation fund, retirement pension, health care insurance and unemployment insurance for Party B on time in relevant authorities in accordance with the laws and regulations of the State and Shanghai. 甲方按国家和上海市有关规定,按期向有关机构为乙方办理公积金、养老金、医疗保险及失业保险手续,缴纳相关费用。
Party A shall deliver the goods to Party B on July 30. 甲方应当于七月三十日将该货交给乙方。
Party A shall direct Property Management Company to provide sufficient and continuous services to Party B, including provision of cold water, hot water, gas and electricity and ensure proper maintenance of equipment therein. 6甲方应督促管理公司向乙方提供足够的服务,如冷水、热水、煤气,电的供应及各种设备的正常工作。
Party A shall not provide Party B the registered capital as required by the business license and any funds for production and operation. 甲方不提供乙方输营业执照所需的注册资金及乙方生产经营所需的资金。

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