Murphy: We do not ask for your poor, or your hungry. |
中文意思: 墨菲:我们所求的不是贫穷饥饿的人。 |
Murphy, G. L. Taxonomic Organization and the Basic Level of Concepts.Chap. 7 in The Big Book of Concepts. MIT Press, 2002.
莫非,〈分类组织与概念的基本层次〉,于《概念的大书》第七章。MIT出版社,2002年。 |
Murphy, a 21-year veteran of the Marine Corps, “you know in the back of your head that it isn't.
一级准尉墨菲已在海军陆战队待了21年,他说,「无论你怎麽努力假装」一个模拟化合物是真的,「你心里仍然明白,那不是真的。」 |
Murphy: Do not kill. Do not rape. Do not steal. These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace.
墨菲:不可杀人,不可强奸,不可偷窃。这是不同信仰的人应该遵守的共同准则。 |
Murphy: It is your corrupt we claim.
墨菲:我们寻的是堕落的人。 |
Murphy: There are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth, not to push the bounds and cross over, in to true corruption, into our domain.
墨菲:恶行亦有大小之分。我们警告那些为小恶之人不要一意孤行,越过彻底堕落的界线,进入我们的领域。 |
Murphy: We do not ask for your poor, or your hungry.
墨菲:我们所求的不是贫穷饥饿的人。 |
Murphy: With every breath, we shall hunt them down.
墨菲:我们所呼吸的每一口气,都将用来追猎他们。 |
Murra, John, 1956, The Economic Organization of the Inca State. Ph.D. dissertation, Anthropology Department, University of Chicago.
徐韶仁,1987,利稻村布农族的祭仪;治疗仪礼之研究。中国文化大学民族与华侨研究所硕士论文。 |
Murray, S. Historical Land Use Patterns in the United States of America.1980.
在美国使用历史土地的模式>,1980. |
Murry, E. J., and Geddes, J. D., “Uplift of Anchor Plates in Sand,” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 113, pp. 202-215, 1987.
廖洪钧和许世宗,「紧砂中压力式垂直扩座地锚锚碇端之受力行为」,中国土木水利工程学刊,第六卷,第二期,第137-148页,1994。 |
Musashi: I know I can. Thanks, all of you! Don't worry. I won't let you down!
武藏:我知道的!谢谢,各位!不用担心。我不会让你们失望! |