180 milligrams per deciliter. You're definitely diabetic.
18毫克每分升。你毫无疑问患有糖尿病。 |
1801 Lord Shaftesbury, British social reformer and PRIME minister, was born in London.
英国社会改革家、英国首相沙夫茨伯里勋爵生于伦敦。 |
1802 George Romney, English portrait painter, died at Kendal in Cumbria.
英国肖像画家乔治·罗姆尼在坎布里亚郡的肯达尔去世。 |
1805 Ferdinand de Lesseps, French diplomat and engineer, the builder of the Suez Canal, was born at Versailles.
法国外交家、工程师、负责苏伊士运河工程的建筑师费迪南·德·雷赛布生于凡尔赛。 |
1809 Louis Braille, French inventor of the raised-dot system of writing used by the blind, was born near Paris.
为盲人创制凸点符号文字体系的法国人路易·布雷尔诞生于巴黎近郊。 |
1809 Matthew Boulton, English engineer and partner of James Watt, died in London.
英国工程师、詹姆士·瓦特的合作者马修·博尔顿在伦敦去世。 |
1809 people of rural and urban Huizhou, whose ages were from 20~59, were tested for 5 physique indexes with the method of random sampling.
摘要采取随机抽样法对年龄为20~59岁的惠州市城乡1809人进行了5项形态指标测试,提供了群众体质健康比较数据。 |
181 what is the edition of this drawing?
这张图纸是第几版? |
1814 Samuel Colt, American inventor and patentee in 1835 of a revolver that bears his name, was born at Hartford in Connecticut.
美国发明家塞谬尔·科尔特诞生于康涅狄格州哈特福德。1835年他获得一种左轮手枪专利权,这种手枪上铸有他的名字。 |
1814 The Capitol and the White House at Washington were burned by British troops under General Ross.
罗斯将军率领的英国军队烧毁华盛顿美国国会大厦和白宫。 |
1815 Napoleon I was exiled to island of St Helena in the South Atlantic.
拿破仑一世被流放到南大西洋的圣赫勒拿岛。 |