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We are also the world's largest producer of acetyl products, including acetic acid, vinyl acetate monomer (VAM) and polyacetals (POM) and a leading global producer of high-performance engineered polymers used in consumer and industrial products and design

We are also investigating the possibility that linear chromosomes also exit in actinomycetes other than the streptomycetes, particularly some important pathogens (such as mycobacteria). 此外我们也在研究线状的染色体是否也存在链黴菌之外的其他放线菌科菌种中,特别一些重要的病源菌(如分枝杆菌)。
We are also involved in some of the logistics evaluations, too. 我们还参与到一部分后勤保障的评估工作中。
We are also one of the world's largest producer of acetyl products, including acetic acid, vinyl acetate monomer (VAM) and polyacetals (POM) and a leading global producer of high-performance engineered polymers used in consumer and industrial products and 公司是世界上最大的乙酰基产品制造商之一,产品包括醋酸、醋酸乙烯和聚甲醛,公司在聚合物领域内也具有世界领先地位。
We are also open to hear any suggestion that you may have on the format of sponsorship. 我们亦很乐意听取您对赞助形式的各种提议。
We are also studying how the linear chromosomes and plasmids are transferred during conjugation. 此外我们也在研究线状的染色体与线状质体在接合生殖过程中如何地传送。
We are also the world's largest producer of acetyl products, including acetic acid, vinyl acetate monomer (VAM) and polyacetals (POM) and a leading global producer of high-performance engineered polymers used in consumer and industrial products and design 公司是世界上最大的乙酰基产品制造商,产品包括醋酸、醋酸乙烯和聚甲醛,公司在聚合物领域内也具有世界领先地位。
We are also told that he was a prophet of God and spoke against the ungodliness that was so widespread in the earth (Jude 14-15). 我们知道以诺是神的先知,反对世上那些不敬畏神的(犹大书14-15)。
We are also told there has been a large rise in depression in recent decades, but this is not reflected by a downturn in measured happiness. 我们还被告知,近数十年来,忧郁症发病率大幅上升,但幸福指标并未出现与之对应的下降。
We are also urging our prosecutors to redouble their efforts to vigorously prosecute federal crimes involving guns, gangs, drugs, child exploitation, corporate and public corruption, immigration, and civil rights violations. 我们还促使我们的检察官就涉及枪火、毒品、儿童剥削、社团及公众机构腐败、移民和民事侵权的犯罪案件提起联邦公诉。
We are also working in some of Beijing's orphanages and schools for the mentally handicapped. 我们还在北京的一些孤儿院和培智学校开展工作。
We are also worried that real estate prices in the once-quiet area will shoot sky-high , creating economic troubles for local residents. 我们也担心这个一度沈寂地区的房价会飙涨,造成当地居民经济困难。

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