DO: Use metallic shades (worn by Mischa Barton and Beyonce Knowles) instead of black eyeliner. They're flattering without being dramatic and harsh,says Gage. |
中文意思: 你可以像米沙·巴顿和碧昂丝·诺尔斯那样用散发出迷人魅力的金色眼影取代单调的黑色眼线。“她们看起来是那样的妩媚动人,却没有浓妆艳抹的痕迹。” |
DO you have to sign a twelve-month lease?
你要签十二个月的租约吗? |
DO you like your egg soft-boiled, hard-boiled or fried?
你要煮嫩蛋,老蛋还是煎蛋? |
DO: Cover your lids or line your eyes with a sheer pastel for a clean, fresh look(worn by Scarlett Johansson and Nia Long), says Gage.
自然柔和是今春流行妆容的主题。除唇彩外,眼影也应选用纯净柔和的颜色,斯嘉利·约翰森和尼尔·朗的淡绿色眼影让她们的脸看起来干净、新鲜。 |
DO: Go fuss-free (like Keira Knightley and Sheryl Crow), but for a finishing touch, wrap your hair around the elastic to cover it,says Gage.
如何在繁琐的发型打造中寻找到简便之举?学学凯拉·奈特莉和雪瑞儿·克鲁吧,像她们那样将头发扎成马尾也同样时尚。 |
DO: Prep your skin with a luminous powder, foundation or moisturizer for an all-over subtle glow on your face(as seen on Jessica Alba and Ashley Olsen), and stick to sheer lip color and golden eye shadow, says Gage.
用珠光粉底打底,让整个面部妆容透出精致的光泽感,并用透明唇彩和金色眼影与之呼应,如杰西卡·阿尔巴和爱希利·奥尔森那样。 |
DO: Use metallic shades (worn by Mischa Barton and Beyonce Knowles) instead of black eyeliner. They're flattering without being dramatic and harsh,says Gage.
你可以像米沙·巴顿和碧昂丝·诺尔斯那样用散发出迷人魅力的金色眼影取代单调的黑色眼线。“她们看起来是那样的妩媚动人,却没有浓妆艳抹的痕迹。” |
DOC circuitry is designed to drive CMOS input devices, which are capacitive in nature, in point-to-point applications (one receiver input per driver output).
在点对点应用中(每驱动器输出对一个接收器输入),设计DOC电路驱动原本为容性的CMOS输入的器件。 |
DOC stands for “Document of Compliance”.
DOC表示符合文件。 |
DOCSIS - Data Over Cable System Interoperability Specification. Standard set by the cable industry's testing laboratory, CableLabs, which allows for true interoperability and performance enhancements.
有线电视调制解调器数据交互运行特征-有线工业测试实验室制定的实际交互运行和功能强化的标准。 |
DOCTOR MCCOY: According to myth, the Earth was created in 6 days. Now, watch out, here comes Genesis! We'll do it for you in 6 minutes!
根据传说,地球是在6天里面被创造的。现在,看着,这就是创世纪!我们将会在6分钟为您完成! |
DOCTOR: Fifteen hours and thirty six minutes… Okay, let's pack him in ice.
医生:十五小时零三十六分……好吧,把他冷冻起来。 |