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Collectively, these roofs will create a jagged and twisting silhouette that will be a clear representation of the forces of nature that shape our world.

Collectively funded body that promotes higher education, research and training. 为推动高等教育、研究和培训的共同投资的主体。
Collectively they trace the development of Emin's central fascination with story-telling. 它们全面的呈现了翠西主要的对说故事的迷恋。
Collectively, Rotarians make a huge difference in our world. 全体扶轮社员对我们的世界做了很大的改变。
Collectively, our firm has over twenty years of experience in the commercial asset recovery business. 美国奥克派公司在商业资产恢复业务方面已经有20多年的经验。
Collectively, the Asian Countries will have a larger economy than the rest of the world put together. 亚洲国家的经济总量将超过其他国家地区的总和。
Collectively, these roofs will create a jagged and twisting silhouette that will be a clear representation of the forces of nature that shape our world. 而且,这些屋顶将创造出一个有着锯齿的、扭曲的天际线,好比自然界的力量般勾勒着我们的世界。
Collectively, they raised $11 billion in equity financing last year, largely on the strength of China's unabated appetite for raw materials. 去年它们一共获得110亿美元的股本筹资,这大部分归功于中国对原材料的强劲需求。
Collectively, we never change on defense, all five guys have to rebound. 总的来说,我们的防守就是5个人都上去抢。
Collectors will always be interested in anything that sheds light on this public figure whose private life remains such an enigma. 而即将公开拍卖的这些信件将展现其非常人性化的一面。
Collects Hong Kong web sites. Fully supports searching in English and Chinese. 收录香港网站,支持中英文搜索。
Collects cash or checks for sales of scraps &quality services charge. 接受因销售废品或由于质量服务而产生的现金或支票。

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