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Article 29 The compilation of the budgetary revenues at various levels shall be in keeping with the growth rate of the gross national product.

Article 29 The Measures for Trial Implementation of the Foreign-funded Commercial Enterprises as promulgated jointly by the former State Economic and Trade Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation shall be abolished as of the 第二十九条原国家经济贸易委员会、对外贸易经济合作部联合发布的《外商投资商业企业试点办法》自本办法施行之日起废止。
Article 29 The State establishes the land statistical system. 第二十九条国家建立土地统计制度。
Article 29 The armed forces of the People's Republic of China belong to the people. 第二十九条中华人民共和国的武装力量属于人民。
Article 29 The autonomous organ of an autonomous region of ethnic minorities may determine to reduce or exempt the enterprise income tax by enterprises within the said autonomous region. 第二十九条民族自治地方的自治机关对本民族自治地方的企业应缴纳的企业所得税中属于地方分享的部分,可以决定减征或者免征。
Article 29 The capital contributions made by shareholders shall be checked by a lawfully established capital verification institution, which shall issue a certification. 第二十九条股东缴纳出资后,必须经依法设立的验资机构验资并出具证明。
Article 29 The compilation of the budgetary revenues at various levels shall be in keeping with the growth rate of the gross national product. 第二十九条各级预算收入的编制,应当与国民生产总值的增长率相适应。
Article 29 The disputes arising from the matters relating to the contents of the articles of association and other affairs of the company between foreign capital stock holders and the company, between foreign capital stock holders and the directors, super 第二十九条境外上市外资股股东与公司之间,境外上市外资股股东与公司董事、监事和经理之间,境外上市外资股股东与内资股股东之间发生的与公司章程规定的内容以及公司其他事务有关的争议,依照公司章程规定的解决方式处理。
Article 29 The homes and other premises of Hong Kong residents shall be inviolable. 第二十九条香港居民的住宅和其他房屋不受侵犯。
Article 29 The present Regulations apply to all enterprises with ownership by the whole people, enterprises with ownership by the collective, individual industrial and commercial operators as well as the Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures, contractual 第二十九条本条例适用于所有全民、集体所有制企业,个体工商业经营者以及在中国境内的中外合资、合作、外资企业。
Article 29 The raw data of the BNCS shall, in accordance with the prescribed procedure, be submitted to the central BAS unit or the temporary liaison organization for concentrically handling by the temporary survey organization. 第29条基本国势调查原始资料,应由临时调查组织依规定程序递送至中央主计机关或其临时之联络组织集中整理之。
Article 29 The relevant State authorities shall penalize, in accordance with laws and statutory regulations, business operators for illegal and criminal acts that infringe upon the legal rights and interests of consumers during the provision of commoditie 第二十九条有关国家机关应当依照法律、法规的规定,惩处经营者在提供商品和服务中侵害消费者合法权益的违法犯罪行为。

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