However, even then, the leadership of the old generation of that period were not able to evolve even from a tactical point of view the concrete political line of revolution and failed completely to determine the revolutionary forms of struggle to achieve |
中文意思: 然而,当时的老一代领导者却既没能在策略上提出一条革命的具体政治路线,又完全未能确定一种革命斗争的形式去实现武装斗争。 |
However, even a win for Portugal would still see them trailing Poland by a point.
如果战胜对手,葡萄牙队将仅和波兰队相差1分。 |
However, even if there is an effect, it is likely to be an extremely subtle one at best.
不过,即使该理论是事实,这一作用对声音的影响也是细微的。 |
However, even more importantly, you can help them by example to learn to respect their environment.
然而更重要的是,你可以以身作则,帮助他们学会尊重环境。 |
However, even so he could not shut off the noise.
然而,即使这样他也不能躲避这噪音的干扰。 |
However, even the prescient Tocqueville, who predicted 150 years ago that the United States and Russia would emerge as two great contending world powers, could not have foreseen that the nation that potentially could decide the world balance of power in t
然而,即使是一百五十年前曾预言过美国和俄国将成为互相争夺的两个世界大国的托克维尔,也未能预见到在二十世纪最后几十年具有决定世界均势潜力并能成为二十一世纪地球上最强大的国家将是中国。 |
However, even then, the leadership of the old generation of that period were not able to evolve even from a tactical point of view the concrete political line of revolution and failed completely to determine the revolutionary forms of struggle to achieve
然而,当时的老一代领导者却既没能在策略上提出一条革命的具体政治路线,又完全未能确定一种革命斗争的形式去实现武装斗争。 |
However, even though I think you are too stubborn, too unreasonable and too overbearing, and even though you really did hurt my feelings, when I thought of how benevolent and generous you have been to me all this time by giving me an education, I decided
不过,尽管我觉得您太固执、太无理也太专横,尽管我的感情受了伤害,可是想起您以往对我那么仁慈慷慨,让我受教育,我还是决定要原谅您,并且决定从现在开始要高兴起来。 |
However, even though claws of the bear, for example, grows claws on both of the manifester's hands (or feet, if desired), the total number of attacks the manifester can make in the round does not change.
然而,比如说,即使通过“熊爪术”使显能者双手(或双脚,如果愿意)都长出了熊爪,显能者每轮可攻击的总次数依然不变。 |
However, even though we mentioned the fact that growing numbers of women are working outside the home, the father is still thought by many as the breadwinner in the household.
然而,即使我们提到越来越多的女人在外工作,父亲仍然被一些人认为是家庭中养家糊口的人。 |
However, even today, poor, uneducated blacks do not always receive the same degree of justice that the more affluent and better educated can expect.
尽管如此,即便今天,与那些富有的受教育阶层所能享有的相比,一直以来,贫困而未受教育的黑人还是没有得到同等而公正的对待。 |
However, even with the best detection imaginable, it is impossible to give much advance notice.
可是,即使是可以想像出的最好的监测设备,也不可能给出什么预先通知。 |