We practice rites (small parts of rituals) and rituals (sacred ceremonies) to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the Moon phases and the seasonal quarters and cross-quarters.
通常我们会在月亮的各个阶段或者不同季节或者特殊的节气里举行我们的典礼(小部分作为仪式而存在)和真正的祭祀,借以协调我们自身与大自然能量的平和。 |
We practise entrances and exits.
我们练习入场和出场。 |
We practised pronouncing the sound again and again.
我们一遍又一遍地练习发这个音。 |
We praised them all, with two exceptions.
我们称赞了所有的人,只有两个例外。 |
We pray that the Holy Spirit will work in us all, that we may labor with one heart to preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth and to prepare for the return of our Lord.
信实的神一直感动人心,呼召各地信徒摆上人力财力及代祷,盼望圣灵与你我同工,齐心努力,早日将福音传遍地极,迎接主耶稣再来。 |
We pray the compassion and selflessness we have experienced from our community will not die out, but rather that the circle will grow larger.
我们祈祷我们感受到的来自我们社会的同情和无私将不会泯灭;相反,这条链子将会越来越大。 |
We pray with saints, not to them.
我们求圣代祷,而非向其祈祷。 |
We prefer a simple wedding rite.
我们倾向于简朴的婚礼仪式。 |
We prefer manufacturing and service businesses.
我们给中小企业提供夹层资本。 |
We prefer non-smoking section.
汤姆:我们要非抽烟区。 |
We prefer not to eat meat. Do you have any vegetarian dishes?
我们不想吃肉,你有任何素食菜色吗? |