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I live in a small house, Breathing Until I use up all the air in the whole house.

I live here in Tokyo. I've lived here all my life. 我住在东京这里。出生后就一直在这里生活。
I live in Room2051. 我住在2051号房间。
I live in Taipei. Where do you live? 我住在台北。你住在哪里?
I live in a backwater in this small village. 我住在这小村庄的闭塞落后的地方。
I live in a converted loft. 我住在一间改建的阁楼里。
I live in a small house, Breathing Until I use up all the air in the whole house. 我住在一间小屋里,呼吸,直到用完这里的空气。
I live in a small room facing the north . 我住在朝北的小房间里。
I live in a warm climate and want the look of a great fire but don't want heat. What are my options? 我居住的地方气候温暖,但我想在家里看到火焰而且不要有热量。我的选择有哪些?
I live in an area where everyone speaks my language. 我住在一个大家都会说我的语言的地方.
I live in school at present, but I plan to move to the apartment of outside the school after six months. 我现在住在学校,但我打算在六个月后搬进学校外的公寓。
I live in that house over there (about 100 feet from the cemetery), and every night that those high school punks come and drink and make their mess, weird things begin to happen. 我住在那边的房子里(离公墓大概100英尺),每天晚上都会有高中的小混混来这喝酒,把这弄得一塌糊涂,这个时候就会有怪事发生了。

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