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Seeing that, I told the police with a genial smile that the local police chief and I were close friends.

Seeing that the story had given offence to some people, I attempted to pass it off with a joke. 我发现自己讲的故事冒犯了一些人,便开了个玩笑将它敷衍过去。
Seeing that there are deficiencies in the construction and management of the university teaching plan, we can point out that we must do well in the construction and management of university teaching plan, which is concerned with the realization of brain t 针对目前高校专业教学计划建设与管理上存在的瑕疵,做好专业教学计划的建设与管理,事关人才培养目标的实现。
Seeing that there is one bread, we who are many are one Body; for we all partake of the one bread. 17因着只有一个饼,我们虽多,还是一个身体,因我们都分受这一个饼。
Seeing that we had noticed him, he moved off quickly. 看到我们已注意到他,他赶快走掉了。
Seeing that you insist, I will reconsider the matter. 既然你坚持,我将重新考虑那件事。
Seeing that, I told the police with a genial smile that the local police chief and I were close friends. 我见势不妙,就笑眯眯地对那位警察讲,自己和当地的警察局长很要好。
Seeing the advertisement he almost entered the restaurantg without thinking .but suddenly it occured to me that i should spend money on books ,so i turned back and left there. 见了广告我几乎不由自主地要步入饭店。但我想起了钱是要用来买教材的,便止步并转身离开。
Seeing the discipline of the PLA and the firm commitment of the Communistyr Party, many intellectuals believed that the new government would finally usher in an era of justice. 许多知识分子见到解放军的纪律和中国共产党坚定的承诺,他们相信新政府最后将进入一个公平正义的新纪元。
Seeing the enemy withdrawing, Wang Tungse impetuously followed with five militiamen. A political director tried to halt him. Tungse shook off the restraining hand. 看到敌人撤退了,王东子带领五个民兵迅猛地追了上去。政治指导员拦住他。东子挣脱了拦阻他的手。
Seeing the enemy's missiles blowing the village to pieces, all the villagers were burning with anger. 1眼见敌人的导弹把村庄炸成一片废墟,村民们都气炸了肺。
Seeing the film disturbed me. 看这部电影,困扰了我。

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