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Among the villains: the faultfinder, the one-upper, the abusive friend, the double-crosser, and the person who engages in petty or criminal behavior.

Among the three coated organic acids, citric acid was most effective. 三种包膜有机酸中柠檬酸的效果最佳。
Among the tombs, Pan spotted a goat that a shepherd had forgotten. 在那些坟墓中,潘看到了一只羊,肯定是被牧羊人遗忘在那的。
Among the values associated with an enterprise, we put the highest premium on honesty, innovation, humanism, educability, and aggresiveness, the fist two of which are the supreme values of well-founded enterprises. 其中,最为推崇诚信、创新、以人为本、善于学习、开拓进取等企业价值理念,诚信(敬业)和创新(进取)理念是优秀企业价值理念的核心。
Among the various factors influencing the farm households Lo make decision, the operation or management performance of the company and its services are the most important factors. 指出影响农户决策的者多因素中公司的运行绩效和服务起主导作用。
Among the various pressures requiring RMB to revalue, the adjustment of dollar policy is a main external pressure, and the internal pressure may be a mid-long term revalue trend of RMB's balancing exchange rate. 摘要在要求人民币升值的种种压力中,强势美元政策的调整是人民币升值的主要外部压力,人民币实际均衡汇率在中长期的升值趋势是人民币名义汇率升值的内部压力。
Among the villains: the faultfinder, the one-upper, the abusive friend, the double-crosser, and the person who engages in petty or criminal behavior. 反派角色当中有:吹毛求疵者,好占便宜的,说坏话的,出卖朋友的,从事犯过或犯罪行为的人。
Among the women, more than 16,000 reported having had an induced abortion at some point in their lives and almost 22,000 reported having had a miscarriage. 在这些女性中,超过16000位在她们生命的某个时候都有过人工流产史,将近22000位有过一次流产。
Among the young men who later embraced the householder's life were Narayan, Paltu, the younger Naren, Tejchandra and Purna. 这些年轻人里面,后来成为居士的是纳拉亚、帕尔图和年轻的那仁,特杰姜德拉和普那。
Among their research fruits, the focus of concern can be summarized into three questions: the relation between industrialization and urbanization, researches into urban geographical space, and immigration culture and its variation. 在数量众多的研究成果中,其关注的重点可概括为工业化与城市化的联系;城市地理空间的研究;移民文化及其变异问题。
Among them are 268 professors, 793 associate professors; 68 of these tutor doctoral students and more than 500 of them tutor Master's degree students. 有专任教师2200余人,其中两院院士4人,教授268人,副教授793人,博士生导师68人,硕士生导师500多人。
Among them are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme. 20其中有许米乃和亚力山大.我已经把他们交给撒但、使他们受责罚、就不再谤渎了。

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