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Then, in order to meet the need of relevant parameter calculating conveniently, basing on the principium of the material mechanics, the cube-parabola method in calculating bending strength parameter number is provided.

Then, in April 1861, Confederate troops attacked Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor and the war began. 后来,到了1861年4月,南方联盟军队攻击位在查尔斯顿港口的森特堡,战争也因此开始。
Then, in June, the State Department updated the original document's incorrect statistics and revealed that terror-related injuries in 2003 in fact totaled 3,646. 但6月时,国务院更正了原始报告的错误数据,显示2003年因恐怖相关事件受伤的人数,其实共有3646人。
Then, in an attempt to broaden dialogue, the paper adopts a focus on wealth creation and uses a number of simple economic indices to elucidate the role of engineering. 然后,为了拓宽对话,本文聚焦于财富的创造,并运用了一系列简单的经济指数以阐明工程技术的作用。
Then, in his fourth and final season in Indiana, Brown failed to get the Pacers into the playoffs. 后来,布朗到了印地安那,在步行者执教的第四个赛季和第五赛季(也是布朗呆在这里的最后一个赛季),他都无法让球队进入季候赛。
Then, in near real-time, the arms “vote” on whether a received bit is a one or a zero. 然后,这些武器会几乎即时「投票表决」接收到的位元是1还是0。
Then, in order to meet the need of relevant parameter calculating conveniently, basing on the principium of the material mechanics, the cube-parabola method in calculating bending strength parameter number is provided. 同时为适应有关参数数值计算需要,根据材料力学基本原理,提出弯曲强度参数计算中的立方抛物线法。
Then, in the main system, neural network was adopted to construct the response relation between impeller performance and meridional channel design variables, where the training sample data were schemed according to the design of experimental method, and t 然后,在中心系统内利用试验设计理论安排训练样本,采用神经网络建立叶轮性能与子午流道设计参数之间的响应关系,同时计及叶片形状对叶轮性能的影响,对子午流道及叶片进行优化。
Then, in the memorable words of Bill Joy, the chief scientist at Sun Microsystems and someone who has worried in print about the societal implications of proliferating nanobots, the future simply would not need us. 升阳电脑首席科学家乔伊,曾在文献中对奈米机器人繁殖的社会影响表示忧心,套用他那句值得大家记住的话,或许未来世界根本就不需要我们人类。
Then, in the process of writing, the theme can't be away from the point. Moreover, the audiences can get a distinct idea and a completely impress. 这样在写作过程中才能不偏离主题,观众看完后才能有清晰完整的印象。
Then, in the suddenly steadied glance fixed upon nothing from under a thoughtful frown, appeared the man. 随即,陡然从若有所思的蹙额下,无目标的定格的眼神中出现了人。
Then, in this situation the only alternate is to kill the process. 然后,在唯一的代理人要杀程序的这一种情形中。

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