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The elimination of Nazi tranny over the oppressed people of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world.

The elevator shot us to the top floor. 电梯把我们迅速送到顶楼。
The elevator then whiz zes them to their floor with only a few stops. 接着该电梯就迅速将他们送抵要去的楼层,中间只逗留几站。
The elevator was stuck on the fifteenth floor for two hours! 电梯卡在15楼有整整两个小时!
The eleven wild swans flew out of the windows of the palace up into the sky. 这十一只野天鹅从宫殿窗口直往天空飞去。
The eligibilities, requirements, and other related items regarding application for the aforementioned visa-exempt entries and landing visas shall be established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after consultation with other related agencies. 前项免签证及准予抵我国时申请签证之适用对象、条件及其他相关事项,由外交部会商相关机关定之。
The elimination of Nazi tranny over the oppressed people of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world. 推翻压在欧洲人民身上的纳粹暴政,保卫我们在一个自由世界的安全。
The elimination of destitution, the millennial curse of humanity, is in sight, provided we find a way to spread the benefits of market-led development elsewhere - to sub-Saharan Africa, above all. 倘若我们找到一种方式,将市场引领的发展带来的利益传播到其他地区(首先传播到撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲地区),那就有望消灭贫困这个人类千年的祸根。
The elimination of head-to-head competition between two leading firms may result in unilateral anticompetitive effects. 消除两家处于市场中领导地位的公司间势均力敌的竞争可能导致单方面的反竞争效应。
The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan would have the same value as the amount of money borrowed. 消除通货膨胀应确保还贷的钱应与所贷款的价值相同。
The elimination of riskless profit opportunities in the futures market is referred to as arbitrage. 期货市场上消除无风险的利润机会被称为套利。
The elimination of this phenomenon relies on the innovation of systems. 要逐步消除这一现象,根本在于制度创新。

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