Single method has been applied to the diagnosis of ovulation and luteal function sound is not enough, but for other ovarian function reference.
单用此法来诊断有无排卵和黄体功能是否健全是不够的,但可对其他卵巢功能检查提供参考。 |
Single orchid large sticktite pansy/plum-tinged eye, dark blue fantasy.
单瓣兰花色大朵不掉落的堇型花,梅子色的眼,深蓝色的喷点。 |
Single orchid star/blue-lavender stripe and fantasy. Dark green. Semiminiature.
单瓣星型花,紫兰色底,蓝到浅紫色线条和喷点。深绿色叶。半迷你型。 |
Single orchid/darker eye, edge.
单瓣兰花色花,深色的眼和镶边。 |
Single pale blue, may show dark pinwheel marking when grown cool; 4-6 per peduncle, very floriferous.
单瓣淡蓝色花,当天气转凉时或许会出现深色的线条缟花,每个花梗有4-6朵花,很会开花。 |
Single pale lilac/bright yellow stamens; seven per peduncle.
单瓣浅紫色花,明亮的黄色雄蕊,每支花梗开7朵花。 |
Single pale pink sticktite pansy/wide bright raspberry frilled edge. Medium green, quilted. Standard.
单瓣不掉落的淡粉红色堇型花,宽的明亮覆盆子色折边花。中绿色叶,叶脉向上气状突起。标准型。 |
Single pale pink two-tone bell/darker eye, edge. Medium green, plain. Miniature.
单瓣铃铛花,深浅不一的淡粉红色有深色的眼和镶边。中绿色平坦叶。迷你型。 |
Single pale-medium blue, one per peduncle, difficult to bloom.
单瓣花,浅到中蓝色,每个花梗有1朵花,很难开花。 |
Single parents are overwhelmed, and school budgets have been cut,Olton says.
再有就是单亲父母的负担过重,面学校的经费也被削减。” |
Single parents cope heroically in doing the job of two people.
单亲父母们英勇地身兼二职。[单亲父母们英勇地处理两人份的工作。 |