Figure 1-10 represents a single isolated relay or actuator.
图1-10所示为一个隔离继电器或激励器。 |
Figure 1-3 illustrates an example of a scan configuration.
图1-3所示为扫描配置的一个例子。 |
Figure 1-7 shows an example of matrix card rows connected by on-board coaxial jumpers.
图1-7所示为通过板载同轴跳线连接矩阵卡的例子。 |
Figure 1. A balanced system uses 2 wires, other than ground, to transmit data.
485设计成一平衡系统。简而言之,它有用于传输信号的2根导线,外加一根地线。 |
Figure 1. Oblique scan above the umbilicus showing the zone of transition (arrow) between the dilated and nondilated bowel.
图1脐上斜向扫描显示在扩张和非扩张肠管间存在过渡区(箭头)。 |
Figure 1. The blue line represents the boundary of the clickable region.
图1:蓝色线框是可点击范围的边界。 |
Figure 1. The correlation between infarct size and risk region of I/R and PC groups in rats.
图1.缺血/再灌注组和缺血预处理组大鼠心肌梗死范围与缺血区域的关系. |
Figure 1.2 illustrates the different roles a human resource department or a human resource generalist might fill.
图1.2展示了人力资源部门或人力资源专员可能起到的不同作用。 |
Figure 10. A, Femoral hernia. H indicates hernial sac. B, Color Doppler scan of a femoral hernia at 2 different levels showing the mass medial to the femoral vessels.
图10A,股疝。H,疝囊。B,于股疝两个不同的水平经彩色多普勒扫描显示肿物位于股血管内侧。 |
Figure 11. A, Urachal cyst. The cyst is infected and contains faintly echogenic fluid. B, Urachal cyst. The anterior wall of the tense cyst produces reverberation artifacts.
图11A,脐尿管囊肿,此囊肿已受感染,内部含有微弱回声的液体。B,脐尿管囊肿,紧绷的囊肿前壁产生反射伪影。 |
Figure 12. Drawing (coronal view) shows the locations of pericecal recesses. 1 = superior ileocecal recess, 2 = inferior ileocecal recess, 3 = retrocecal recess, 4 = paracolic sulci. (Adapted and reprinted, with permission, from reference 41.
图12示意图显示盲肠旁疝的部位。1,回盲上隐窝;2,回盲下隐窝;3,盲肠后隐窝;4,结肠旁沟。 |