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And pDLl transformed the protoplasts of Ustilago maydis after being ligated with DNA fragments of Pleurotus ostreatus.
将pDL与糙皮侧耳(Pleurotus ostreatus)的DNA片段连接,然后转化玉米黑粉菌(Ustilago maydis)的原生质体。

And it also could discover the integrality of renal peplos and the metastasis of lymph node and organ. 随着对肿瘤基因水平的深入研究,发现肿瘤的发生、发展、侵袭和转移与血管生成及细胞外基质(extracellular matrix,ECM)的降解密切相关。
And it couldn't be settled by itself. 而它又是现代工业社会自身所无法克服的。
And it further analysis that take CPA′s surplus wealth as the mortgage is the powerful material safeguard mechanism to realize the effective punishment. 并进一步分析了以注册会计师的私人财富为抵押,是实现有效惩罚强有力的物质保障机制。
And it is also noticeable that Xu Xu's novel has been musing on the philosophy of life and shows an attempt to surpass the reality, which is rare in his time and laudable now in China. 值得注意的是,故事的人性深度还同时蕴意了徐訏对本真生命的思考以及对现实的超越企图,这不仅在他那个时代极为罕见,即令今天也弥足珍贵。
And oxygen transfer coefficients (KLa)of the ceramic membranes with different porous size has been compared with gritstone sparger under the same condition, which are respectively 0. min- , 0.87 min-,0.099min-. 对陶瓷膜的充氧能力进行了实验 ,测得小孔陶瓷膜、大孔陶瓷膜、砂型曝气头的氧传递系数分别为 :0 . min -,0 . 87min -,0 .0 99min -.
And pDLl transformed the protoplasts of Ustilago maydis after being ligated with DNA fragments of Pleurotus ostreatus. 将pDL与糙皮侧耳(Pleurotus ostreatus)的DNA片段连接,然后转化玉米黑粉菌(Ustilago maydis)的原生质体。
And refrain from rash action the speed quicker. 而且收敛速度较快。
And serum ALT activity among the three groups did not differ significantly(P>0.0). 而血清中ALT活性,三组间差异均无显著性意义(P>0.0)。
Anhui Garment 安徽服装——抢占产业转移新机遇
Anilides of isobutyl, n-valeryl and n-caproyl L-isoleucine were prepared from aniline and the corresponding acyl DL-isoleucines under the influence of papain. 对于酰基-(己廾)亮氨酸酰苯胺的木瓜蛋白酶促合成,探讨了(己廾)丁酰,正戊酰,正己酰三 个下同取代基的影响。
Animal Experiment and Clinical Application of Lithium Powered Pacemaker 锂电池按需起搏器系统的动物实验和临床应用

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