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I have a question that did it offend the emperor for the dragon pattern available on the copper decorations on scabbard?

I have a prior engagement and so can't go with you. 我预先有约会,所以不能跟你去。
I have a problem in my apartment. 我的公寓出了点儿问题。
I have a question about the prices you quoted me. Have you included value added tax? 关于你给我的报价,我有一个问题请教。你的报价包不包括增值税?
I have a question about thinking. When you think, do you say out loud your thoughts in your head? 我有一个关于思考的问题,当你思考的时候,是否在脑中大声说出?
I have a question regarding blocking the opponent's automatic machines. Is it allowed that one of my automatic machines disables the opponent's automatic machines by electromagnetic radiation without damaging them? 我有一个关于阻挡对方自动机器人的问题。是否允许我方自动机器人通过电磁辐射使对方自动机器人无法工作而不损伤它?
I have a question that did it offend the emperor for the dragon pattern available on the copper decorations on scabbard? 我到有个问题,剑鞘铜饰上有龙的图案,是不是会犯皇帝大忌?
I have a question that whether this copper hammer in pics is the golden hammer used by guard? 看到制式锤我有个问题:图中的铜锤是否就是侍卫用的金瓜?
I have a question,is a man named Cai Zhi Bin from Kuomintang?I want to know his information!Thank you! 小弟新手问个问题,国民党军官有没有一个叫蔡直斌的,有知道的麻烦老大给个资料!!在此谢谢!
I have a question. Do1.7 million ton refer to short ton? 我有个问题。170多万吨是指美吨吗?
I have a rapid upload methods (in which English pages made 40 with I told you! 我有一个快速上传的方法(在哪个英语版块发了40个贴我就告诉你!)
I have a really nice landlord. 我的房东人很不错。

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