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The authors further note that the new wings did not re-evolve from scratch; genetic blueprints seem to have lain in wait for at least 50 million years, until flight was favored over fecundity (wingless insects tend to lay more eggs).

The authors expound the engineering project of diverting water from sooth to north in China, the engineering features and difficulties, environmental impact, ecologic environment protection and benefits of three lines of Sooth-to-North Water Transfer proj 摘要综述南水北调工程的调水背景,东、中、西三条线路的工程规划,南水北调的工程特点、环境影响与生态环境保护及其南水北调的工程综合效益。
The authors finally analyze the innovation of water management regime by introducing a system of water property rights defination, alloation and tradeoff, which will be a reference for other watersheds in the country. 基于水权分配和交易的流域水管理机制模式为其它流域水资源分配利用和全国水资源实现可持续发展和管理提供了有益的思路。
The authors first apply basic theory of equivalent heat drop on the common circulation heat calculating model for thermal system in supercritical pressure power unit with second reheat cycles and other kind of condensing steam turbine by mathematical deri 摘要以常规热平衡方法和等效热降理论为基础,针对二次再热超临界机组热力系统高低压加热器均设置外置式蒸汽冷却器的特点,经过严格的数学推导,将等效热降理论应用于二次再热超临界机组热力系统循环吸热量计算的研究,并提出了适用于不同类型凝汽式机组的通用数学计算模型。
The authors first infered the boundary condition for line source, then realised the forward calculation with finite-difference method. 针对垂直有限线源,首先推导了线电流源的边界条件,利用有限差分实现了三维地电场的正演。
The authors first matched the location of every fund manager to the headquarters of the stocks they owned, and then tracked each fund's quarterly holdings from 1975 to 1994. 两位作者先将基金的地理位置和持股公司所在地联系起来,然后追踪了每个基金从1975年到1994年每个季度的持股状况。
The authors further note that the new wings did not re-evolve from scratch; genetic blueprints seem to have lain in wait for at least 50 million years, until flight was favored over fecundity (wingless insects tend to lay more eggs). 他们进一步指出,新的翅膀并非重头开始再演化的结果,相关的遗传蓝图似乎已蛰伏了5000万年以上,直到「飞行」在繁殖上取得优势后才重出江湖(无翅昆虫通常比较多产)。
The authors give an account of the measures adopted in their hospital: ①detennining which part of the rear service was to be outsourced first; ②selecting the organizations for cooperation; ③clarifying the obligations of each party and drawing up working s 笔者结合单位的实际介绍了做法:①确定率先推向社会的服务内容;②选择协作单位;③明确各自工作职责,拟订工作标准;④健全规章制度;⑤加强组织与管理。
The authors go on to look at two channels through which regulation may have dampened productivity growth. 该文作者继而还发现管制对生产率增长的抑制可能有两个途径。
The authors grandfather and his friend bet on a dog which didnt win. 作者的祖父与其朋友喂狗吃蛋糕是为了使它更强壮.
The authors grandfather doesnt tell stories now. 作者的祖父现在不跟他讲故事了.
The authors grandfather usually won lots of money. 作者的祖父经常赢得很多钱.

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