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Has anybody seen Richard Jefferson?

Has any one of the gods of the nations delivered his land from the hand of the king of Assyria? 王下18:33列国的神、有那一个救他本国脱离亚述王的手呢。
Has anybody celebrated a 2-2 draw more than England fans after David Beckham's dramatic last minute free-kick against Greece in the 2002 World Cup qualifiers? 2001年的世界杯预选赛,贝克汉姆在对希腊的比赛中的最后一分钟打进了追平的任意球,相信没有球迷会比当时的英格兰球迷面对平局而祝贺得更疯狂了。
Has anybody considered shipping by air? 有没有考虑过用空运呢?
Has anybody else anything to say on this? 关于这点,谁还有什么别的要说吗?
Has anybody seen Bill today? 有谁今天看见过比尔吗?
Has anybody seen Richard Jefferson? 有人看见理查德杰佛森了吗?
Has anybody seen my planner? 有人看到我的电子秘书了吗?
Has anybody seen our two dogs? 谁看见我们家那两只狗了吗?
Has anybody told you that he’s dead? 有人告诉你他死了吗?
Has anyone ever told you you're a dead ringer for Bill Clinton? 以前有人对你说过你和比尔·克林顿长得一摸一样吗?
Has anyone in this college ever climbed Mt. Everest or Mt. Washington? (这所大学里有人爬过埃佛勒斯峰或华盛顿山吗?)

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