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In order to solve this problem, a new mechanism of cooperative coevolution with local interaction for collective complex cooperation behaviors is proposed based on system theory and nonlinear science theory.

In order to solve these difficulties, a simple method is put forward in this paper, which is a balance between communication costs of network and computational costs of core routers. 在权衡通信代价和核心路由器计算量的基础上,文章提出了一种简单易实现的方法。
In order to solve these environmental problems, we proposed the framework and methods of ecological risk assessment of regional agriculture landscape and development perspectives in the future. 且有农业生态环境恶化、土壤污染加剧、水体污染日趋严重等环境问题,为了解决这些问题,保护环境,保护人类健康,提出了区域农业景观生态风险评价研究的框架和方法以及今后的发展前景。
In order to solve these problems, its reason and adopt overlapping part of images method for compression is analyzed. 针对此问题,分析了其产生的原因并采用重叠处理部分图像数据的方法,很好地解决了此问题。
In order to solve these problems, several measures are systematically analyzed in the paper, such as the training and tutorship of client service representative, the improvement of call center service systems and the adoption of some kinds of communicatio 分析通过对客户服务代表的培训辅导,完善呼叫中心服务系统,提出运用多种通讯方式等有效措施解决问题。
In order to solve this problem better, We put forward a new-type pressure control program of high-speed train by using the experience of airplane's pressure control system. 本文借鉴飞机座舱压力控制的成熟经验,提出了解决高速列车车厢压力变化的新型压力控制方案。
In order to solve this problem, a new mechanism of cooperative coevolution with local interaction for collective complex cooperation behaviors is proposed based on system theory and nonlinear science theory. 针对这一问题,依据系统论和非线性科学理论,构造了一种引入局部交互的群体复杂协作行为协同进化机制。
In order to solve this problem, a new process for wastewater biological treatment-three-stage SBR process has been developed. 为解决该矛盾开发了一种新的污水生物处理反应工艺-三级序批式活性污泥法(三级SBR法),并运用该方法处理了生活污水。
In order to solve this problem, he sawed the legs off of his piano so he could feel the vibrations as he played. 为了解决这个问题,他锯掉了钢琴的四脚,以便能感受弹奏时发出的震动。
In order to solve this problem, this paper introduces a reading lamp which can change the lighteness automatically.It has a photodetector which will be put near the book to help adjusting the brightness data. 即可减少手动调光的麻烦,又可以保护视力,同时,它具有稳光功能,当电源电压波动时,台灯亮度保持不变。
In order to solve this problem, we must lay our cards on the table. 为了解决这个问题,我们必须坦诚地吐出真相。
In order to speed up the agriculture structure adjustment,we shall adopt a policy if Science and technology promote forestry and husbandry.We will absorb foreign investment in feed flavors,health care products made of ginkgo leaves ,forestation of quick g 加快农业结构战略性调整,大力实施科技兴林、科技兴牧战略,我局拟对饲料风味剂的开发应用、银杏叶保健晶系列开发、营林速生丰产林、云台山森林病虫害防治暨更新造林、低产果园改造、波尔山羊杂交改良、水产饲料研制、新兽药开发、新饲料添加剂研制开发等项目进行招商,以进一步提高多种经营产品品质和市场竞争力,加快多种;经营的发展。

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