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Wow, what's with the scruffy old mountain man?

Wow, that new slang word really swept across the nation. Everybody is using it. 哇,那个新词横扫了全国。每个人都在用。
Wow, today is the third day already, midpoint of my vacation. Must make well use of my time, meaning more food and more shopping! 时间过得好快,今天是假期的正中间,要好好的把握时间食食食同买买买,不然回家后又后悔食不够,买太少,哈哈!
Wow, we really got here at the last minute ! Let's get seats. 喔,我们是在最后一分钟到的。咱们座下吧。”
Wow, what a big fish! 哇,好大的鱼呀!
Wow, what a name. Good thing she didn't add in mango or something in there, poor kid would be a smoothie. 哇,那真是个名字哦。幸亏派特洛没有加“芒果”在名字中,不然她就做了一个水果奶西。
Wow, what's with the scruffy old mountain man? 哇,那山顶野人怎么啦?
Wow, where they will meet the big cheese themselves. 哇,那里他们自己就能遇到老鼠之王(此处参考配音版)。
Wow, who's the scruffy old mountain man? 哇,这邋遢的山顶野人是何许人物?
Wow, you always look so classy and beautiful. You really have good taste in clothes. 你总是看起来那么高雅漂亮。你穿衣服真是有品位。
Wow, you are good at excuses, now you must teach me. 哇,你真是很善长找借口,现在你必须教我。
Wow, you finished that project in a snap ! I'm impressed with your work. 那个项目你这么快就完成了,我对此印象深刻。

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