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It is understood that the Seller shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to causes for which the Insurance Company, Shipping Company, other Transportation Organization /or Post Office are liable.

It is understood that Arsenal captain Thierry Henry requested the Arsenal board grant Píres a two year deal when he agreed his own new contract yesterday. 据悉,阿森纳队长蒂埃里·亨利在昨天接受了自己同俱乐部的新合同后,请求俱乐部能够给予皮雷两年的新合同。
It is understood that Inter could offer the Argentine duo of defender Nicolas Burdisso and forward Julio Cruz. 据悉国××米将用两个阿根廷人——后卫布尔迪索合前锋克鲁斯交换盖子。
It is understood that discussions are at an advanced stage, and include taking joint orders, technology exchange and plans to develop a new type of pressurised water reactor, the preferred standard for 70 per cent of the world's new power stations. 据悉,双方会谈已进入高级阶段,谈判内容包括接受联合订单、技术交流及开发一种新型压水式反应堆的计划,这是全球70%新建核电站所青睐的标准。
It is understood that the Seller shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to causes for which the Insurance Company , Shipping Company , other transportation organization or Post office are liable. 运送货物如有缺失属于保险公司、轮船公司和其他有关运输机构或邮递机构责任者,售方不负任何责任。
It is understood that the Seller shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to causes for which the Insurance Company ,Shipping Company , other Transportation Organization or Post Office is liable . 双方同意,对装运的货物产生争议的事由是由保险公司、船运公司、其他运输机构或者是邮政机构承担责任的,卖方不承担责任。
It is understood that the Seller shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to causes for which the Insurance Company, Shipping Company, other Transportation Organization /or Post Office are liable. 对所装货物所提任何异议于保险公司、轮船公司、其他有关运输机构或邮递机构所负责者,卖方不负任何责任。
It is understood that the new bombs are more powerful than the old and that, while one atomic bomb could obliterate Hiroshima, one hydrogen bomb could obliterate the largest cities such as London, New York, and Moscow. 不言而喻,新炸弹比旧炸弹更具威力——一颗原弹能毁灭广岛,而一颗氢弹能毁灭像伦敦、纽约和菲斯科这样的大都市。
It is understood that the second glossary is more easily remembered than the first one. 不用说,第二个词表比第一个词表更容易记忆.
It is understood the coal producer has already received enough preliminary offers from investors to cover all of the 3.064bn shares it plans to sell. 据悉,这家煤炭生产商已从投资人处得到初步认购意向,数量足以吸收其计划发售的所有30.64亿股股票。
It is undisputable that advertising makes a positive contribution to our pockets. 毫无疑问,广告为我们的口袋带来了巨大的财富。
It is undoubted that education is a sensitive nerve to the impoverished areas for their harmonious development. 贫困地区要实现和谐发展,教育无疑是一根敏感的神经。

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