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The boat rocked wildly, hurling him into the water.

The boat owns characteristics of high strength,light duty,corrosion and rust-free, long durability,and easy maintenance,enviroment-friendly, ect.It is suitable for sailing in river, lake and near seaside, so as to be widely used in fishing, and tourism in 该小艇具有高强度,轻重量,防锈,防腐蚀,易保养,经久耐用,环保好等特点,适合于江河湖泊各种水域,广泛适用于休闲钓鱼,旅游观光。
The boat pulled up alongside the dock. 那条船在码头旁停靠。
The boat race was a dead heat, and the first prize was divided in two. 这次划船比赛有两只船同时到达终点,头奖由两只船平分。
The boat ran afoul of a buoy. 那艘船与浮标相撞。
The boat received a heavy load. 这船负有重载。
The boat rocked wildly, hurling him into the water. 船剧烈地晃动起来,把他抛入水中。
The boat rode over angry waves. 小船驶过惊涛骇浪。
The boat sails over a lake. 该船在湖上行驶着。
The boat sank beneath the waves. 小船淹没在浪涛中.
The boat sank in a violent storm at sea. 船在海上强烈的风暴中沉没。
The boat set sail on July5, headed directly for Annapolis. 船7月5日开航,直驶安纳波里斯。

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