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A quantitative analytical method for 4.5% beta-cypermethrin EC by GC was introduced, Dicyclohexyl-o-phthalate was selected as the internal standard.

A quality describing a sample designed in such a way that audience projections may be made. 表示的是一种样本质量.即可使用该样本来预测全体人口.
A quality management (QM) of its row materials is an important task for suppliers to fulfill necessary quality requirements and to provide healthy and attractive final product for beer consumers. 对于供应商来说,原料的质量控制也即为啤酒消费者完成一定质量要求以及对健康有吸引力的成品的过程,是一项非常重要的工作。
A quality one plant, one of credibility, integrity win-win business ideas. 该厂树立质量第一、信誉第一、诚信双赢的经营理念。
A quality or characteristic deserving of blame or censure; a fault. 错处,过失应受谴责或批评的品质或性格;过失
A quality or style that is prosaic. 平淡无奇平凡的特点或风格
A quantitative analytical method for 4.5% beta-cypermethrin EC by GC was introduced, Dicyclohexyl-o-phthalate was selected as the internal standard. 摘要本文介绍了以邻苯二甲酸二环已脂为内标物,对4.5%高效氯氰菊脂乳油进行有效成份测定的气相色谱分析法。
A quantitative analytical method of 5% diethylmethylbenzamide in drive-worms floral-water by GC was introduced, Dibutyl Phthalate was selected as internal standard. 摘要本文介绍了以邻苯二甲酸二丁脂为内标物,对5%避蚊胺驱虫花露水进行有效成份测定的气相色谱分析法。
A quantitative appraisal of the prospect of uranium mineralization is completed based on a set of hydrochemical data acquired from the known in-situ leachable sandstone-type uranium, including radon content, acid-alkali ratio, oxidized and reduced electro 但是在找铀过程中仅用水化学成份、氡含量、酸碱度和氧化还原电位等数值进行描述,说明它们与铀矿化的关系,这种单一因素的描述不能综合反映与铀矿化的联系程度,以定量评价铀矿化与上述因素的关系,从而影响了水化学找矿的效果。
A quantitative relationship between the separation factor and the bonded-phase molecular topological index for fullerenes is established. 建立了富烯勒的分离因子与键合相分子拓扑指数间的定量关系。
A quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR) model based on artificial neural networks was established to predict the flash points of fatty alcohols. 摘要建立了一个基于人工神经网络方法的定量结构-性质相关性(QSPR)研究模型,用于预测脂肪醉闪点。
A quantity assumed to have a fixed value in a specified mathematical context. 恒量在一个具体数学问题里被假设具有固定值的一个量

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