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Abstract: sedimentation phenomena in refined oils were descr ibed,the composition,properties of sunflower and canola oil sediments were summa rized.the effects of various factors on sediment formation in oils were also stu died.

Abstract: Yuanjics conforms to the historical trend of the times, and is able to accelerate the social development.Comparing with modern scientific thinking,the mode of thinking of Yuanjics is of innovation and pioneering,tracing the origin form integrity 文摘:元极学顺应时代潮流,对社会发展有促进作用,元极思维方式相对于现代科学思维方式有开拓性,抓住整体,直溯本源;和论对人与自然的可持续发展有相当的启迪;性命学说为人类认识生命的本质、人体的奥秘提供了理论指导;元极学以道德为主导是社会精神文明建设的重要组成部分。
Abstract: Zero-crossing edge detection method was analyzed. 文摘:讨论二阶导数过零边缘检测方法。
Abstract: Zheng He was a native of Kunyang, Jinning County in Yunnan. 提要:郑和是云南晋宁县昆阳人。
Abstract: an improved method for atmospheric environmental quality assessment is inferred using the weighted distance and the concept of the membership grade of the fuzzy set theory. 文摘:运用模糊集理论中的权距离和隶属度概念推导出一种改进的大气环境质量评价方法,评价过程能充分利用实际数据所包含的各种信息。
Abstract: he optical system is an important part of star sensors. 文摘:光学系统是星敏感器的重要组成部分。
Abstract: sedimentation phenomena in refined oils were descr ibed,the composition,properties of sunflower and canola oil sediments were summa rized.the effects of various factors on sediment formation in oils were also stu died. 文摘:介绍了油脂沉淀现象,综述了葵花籽油、卡诺拉油等沉淀的组成、性质以及影响其形成的因素,初步探讨了防止沉淀生成的方法。
Abstract: the associated gas in the west end of the Ziliujing structure has been mined for several years, but it is necessary to exploit further. 文摘:自流井构造西端盐卤伴生气已开采多年,气源并未枯竭,仍有进一步挖潜、勘探、开发的必要。
Abstract: the funciton of intrinsicall conductive polymer and the unique nature of polyaniline are introduced. 文摘:介绍了本征导电高聚物的特点及聚苯胺独特的性质,对聚苯胺导电纤维的制备进行了综述。
Abstract: the iodine is extracted from fluorosilicic acid solution by carbon tetrachloride after the iodine ion is oxidized to the free iodine. The oxidant B is adopted through sifting oxidants. 摘要对氟硅酸提碘过程的氧化剂进行选择研究,结果表明,对碘回收率而言氧化剂B较好。
Abstract: the situation of VAE waste water and waste residue applied in the process of paints, adhesive, modified cement, thermal insulation materials is introduced in this paper. 文摘:介绍了VAE废水和废渣在涂料、粘合剂、水泥改性以及保温材料加工中的应用情况。
Abstract: vanced a new approach to measure the coefficient of viscosity with the method of falling balls , and explained the movements of falling balls of the same diamters in viscose fluid in tubes of different diameters and falling bahs of different dia 文摘:给出了一种落球法测液体粘滞系数的改进方法;并对小球在不同管径内的粘滞液体中的下落运动、不同直径的小球在粘滞液体中的下落运动以及小球在粘滞液体中的整体运动过程等进行研究。

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