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The personal data provided by means of this form will be used by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department for purposes relating to applications for cemeteries and crematoria services.

The person, who wants to accomplish a specific goal, first chalks out a plan. 想完成某个目标的人首先是做一个计划。
The personal and social adjustments of internal locus-of-control students were better than those of external locus-of-control students. 4. ㈣教师教导态度和学童内外控信念对学童的「相属意识」和「社会标准」具有显著的交互作用。
The personal computer is slower than the large centralized machine, but it provides exclusive access. 虽然个人电脑比大型机来得慢,但是它提供了独享的访问权限。
The personal computer revolution has been an amazing thing. 个人计算机革命有是一件令人惊异的事物。
The personal data provided by means of this form may be disclosed to other Government Departments and Agencies in pursuance of the purposes mentioned in paragraph 5 above. 本表格内所提供的个人资料,可能会被转交其它政府部门或机构,以达致上文第5段所载的目的。
The personal data provided by means of this form will be used by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department for purposes relating to applications for cemeteries and crematoria services. 食物环境生署会利用经本表格所提供的个人资料,处理辖下坟场及火葬场服务的申请事宜。
The personal favourite of Yamada Yoji , Tora-san's Tropical Fever was the only film re-released (with added scenes) by the director to commemorate Atsumi Kiyoshi after the superstar's death. 山田自言「这是我最爱的作品之一」,渥美清去世后,山田在《男人之苦》系列中只选了本片(加插新片段)推出特别版来纪念这位一代巨星。
The personal information may include but is not limited to your name, mailing address, phone number, type of hardware or software you own and other information required to provide you with the product, service or support requested. 个人的信息可能包括你的名字,邮箱地址,电话号码,你拥有硬件或软件的类型和其他你提供的产品、服务或支持的要求,但是这并没受到限制。
The personal life deeply lived always expands into truths beyond itself. 每个人的深刻生活,总是会不断的超越自己,向真理发展。
The personal name is not too conspicuous. The facts is that there is much bland space on it , which gives no sense of crowdness. 本人的名字也不过分突出.整张纸空白很大,毫无拥挤不堪的感觉.
The personal roadses of I very no smooth, at two time of divorces, enterprising, Engaged in the real estate and service trade's reaching more than 20 years, manage one batch and hire out the room now. 我的人身道路很不平坦,离过两次婚,有事业心,从事房地产和服务业达20多年,现经营一批出租屋。

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